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After seeking refuge aboard Moya, Crais stole the infant Leviathan, Talyn. To the crew's horror, Talyn approved of his new captain, and the two disappeared. With Scorpius now in control of the Command Carrier, Moya and her crew fled deeper into the Uncharted Territories to escape his pursuit.

As they journeyed, Chiana and D'Argo began an intimate affair, while Crichton and Aeryn struggled with their own complicated attraction. Then, on a visit to the Royal Planet — the capital of a group of Sebacean Breakaway Colonies — the crew encountered the Scarrans, a cruel and powerful species engaged in an arms race with the Peacekeepers. The Scarrans, learning that Scorpius was interested in Crichton, later captured the Human and began their own investigation into his value. Ironically, Scorpius' neurochip, of whose existence Crichton wasn't yet aware, was the only thing that saved his sanity — and his life.

Though Crichton didn't yet know about the neurochip, he gradually realized that something in his mind was very, very wrong. He began seeing hallucinations of Scorpius that grew increasingly frequent and realistic. He felt compelled to obey the visions. Eventually, although he still didn't know why, he found himself in danger of losing all self-control at the moment when he most needed a clear head —

The crew was attempting to rescue D'Argo's long-lost son, Jothee, from slavery, but their every attempt met with disaster. Jothee was freed when Crichton — acting without the others' knowledge — traded himself to Scorpius for the release of D'Argo's son. Once in Scorpius' custody, Crichton learned the neurochip was the cause of his hallucinations. Risking their lives, the crew narrowly rescued Crichton from Scorpius' clutches. However, keeping Crichton away from the Peacekeeper scientist was not to be so easy. The Scorpius Neural Clone personality that was programmed into the neurochip took control of Crichton's body — and forced Crichton to kill his beloved Aeryn.

Scorpius reclaimed the chip with its precious data. Then he left Crichton alive, the speech centers of his brain destroyed, condemned by Scorpius to suffer mutely as payback for all the trouble the Human had caused him.

Read what series creator Rockne S. O'Bannon and executive producer David Kemper had to say about these pivotal Season Two episodes:
Crackers Don't Matter
The Way We Weren't
The Locket
Die Me, Dichotomy