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Officer Aeryn Sun was once an elite soldier in the Peacekeeper corps; she was a pilot in Icarion Company, Pleisar Regiment, always the first unit in harm's way.

Aeryn is intensely proud of the fact that she can hold her own among any of her fellow soldiers, male or female. Being trapped aboard Moya and having to count on a crew of non-Peacekeepers for her survival at first was anathema to her instincts and training, but it forced her to grow as a person, to think in broader terms and to be better than she was before.

During a disasterous encounter with a sadistic scientist named Namtar, Aeryn was injected with Pilot's DNA; although the transformation was reversed, she still retains some of the injected genetic material. She has since shared a close bond with Pilot, in addition to having gained an innate grasp of the technical knowledge needed to operate the enormous Leviathan. ("DNA Mad Scientist") This genetic infusion was one reason why Aeryn was able to make contact with Moya's son, whom she named Talyn, in memory of her father. ("Family Ties") However, Aeryn's close friendship with Pilot was threatened when it was revealed that she played a key role in the murder of Moya's first Pilot. ("They've Got a Secret") Healing that broken trust has been a long and painful task for both Aeryn and Pilot.

Aeryn is still struggling to reconcile her Peacekeeper past with her life in exile. Before she came aboard Moya, the Peacekeepers were the only family she'd ever known; although she has since rejected it (and been rejected by it), her pride and sense of knowing her purpose have been wounded. She now sees the Peacekeepers more clearly — as ruthless, often brutal thugs — but her pride was formed mostly out of what they made her. Without them, even realizing their faults, she still has an affinity for the culture and the status that she lost.

During a period Aeryn spent living aboard Talyn, she confronted her mother, Xhalax Sun, who was in command of a Retrieval Squad sent to bring Talyn and Aeryn back alive to Peacekeeper space. ("Relativity") Aeryn was a rarity in the Peacekeeper world: a child born of a loving union rather than engineered to fill an empty space in the ranks. But soon after the truth of Aeryn's birth was known, the Peacekeepers forced Xhalax to "redeem" herself by executing Aeryn's father, Talyn Lyczak. Xhalax later sent an impostor Talyn Lyczak to Aeryn on the planet Valldon, as part of a trap, but the gambit failed when Aeryn saw through the deception. ("The Choice")

During the three cycles Aeryn has spent living in exile aboard Moya and Talyn, her new, non-Peacekeeper friends have taught her how to trust. And human astronaut John Crichton has taught her bittersweet lessons about love — and loss. Now, still stinging from the death of one of the twinned Crichtons, she must find a way to live with the surviving Crichton. ("Infinite Possibilities, Part 2: Icarus Abides")
