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Bialar Crais was in many ways an embodiment of contradictions. Born on a Sebacean farming colony, he and his brother, Tauvo, were forcibly conscripted at a young age by the Peacekeepers. Though initially taken against his will, Crais later became rigidly devoted to the Peacekeepers and their regulations — as long as they served his interests. When they didn't, he just as easily ignored the regulations and pursued his own, renegade path.

Crais' first encounter with John Crichton was when the Human astronaut's Farscape Module collided with a Prowler piloted by Crais' brother, who was killed in the accident. ("Premiere") Crais, unwilling to accept the incident for the accident it was, hunted Crichton and his shipmates aboard Moya until shortly after the birth of Talyn, a Leviathan-Peacekeeper hybrid Crais helped engineer. Realizing his own command was about to be usurped by Scorpius, Crais defected and took command of Talyn, with whom he escaped into the Uncharted Territories. ("Mind the Baby")

Crais accepted Talyn's Hand of Friendship — a direct neural bond between the Sebacean captain and the young hybrid Leviathan — and the subsequent fusion of Crais and Talyn's wills and emotions took a terrible toll on Crais. When he became unable to control Talyn, Crais sought help from Moya and her crew; eventually, Aeryn Sun joined Talyn's crew and accepted her own neural interface ("Green-Eyed Monster"), which helped ease the strain on Crais, and deepened his affection for his fellow ex-Peacekeeper. Unfortunately for him, his feelings for Aeryn ultimately proved unrequited.

Although Crais eventually absolved Crichton of responsibility for Tauvo's death, he never truly liked the Human. He did, however, learn a begrudging respect for Crichton as a soldier when the twinned Crichton aboard Talyn heroically sacrificed his life to stop the Scarrans from seizing control of deadly wormhole technology. ("Infinite Possibilities, Part 2: Icarus Abides") Shortly afterward, Talyn became so unstable and violent that Crais was forced to shut down most of the Leviathan's biologics. ("I-Yensch, You-Yensch")

Crais, believing in Crichton's cause, agreed to return to his former Command Carrier in order to help destroy Scorpius' wormhole-research project. Crais' tactical abilities and knack for controlling people, coupled with his newfound willingness to act in the service of a greater good, led to his and Talyn's final, heroic sacrifices. ("Into the Lion's Den, Part 2: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing")
