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Some 30-odd years ago, John Robert Crichton, Jr., was born in North Carolina. He attended M.I.T., where he earned a doctorate in theoretical sciences. Crichton was inspired by his astronaut father, Jack. When the opportunity arose to train with IASA as an astronaut, John jumped at the chance. Because of his strengths as a scientist, he was a valued mission specialist on several space-shuttle missions.

Despite John's astronaut status and tall, classic good looks, he still considered himself just one of the science nerds, like his buddies. His take-charge, heroic nature had always remained dormant, untapped — until the fateful day when his experimental, one-man Farscape Module accidentally catapulted him through a wormhole to the far end of the universe. ("Premiere")

Since being hurtled across space and joining a fugitive crew aboard the living vessel Moya, Crichton has survived many perils, including lethal confrontations with calcivorous and shapeshifting aliens; being pursued across the galaxy by a succession of obsessive Peacekeepers (one wanted vengeance, one wants the secrets of wormhole travel, and another simply wants his head on a plate); battles of wits with a malevolent sorcerer ("That Old Black Magic" and "Picture If You Will"); being turned into a living statue and siring a daughter (with Princess Katralla of the Breakaway Colonies) who won't be born for another 80 cycles ("Look at the Princess, Part 3: The Maltese Crichton"); and having a neurochip implanted into his brain by his arch-nemesis, Scorpius ("Die Me, Dichotomy").

When Crichton first found himself in the Uncharted Territories, his primary objective was to find a wormhole that could teleport him home to Earth. But now he has become an actor in a vast galactic power struggle, in which two great military powers — the Peacekeepers and the Scarrans — both want to use his knowledge of wormholes to create superweapons. He has gone to great lengths and risked his life — and in one instance, sacrificed his life — to keep this dangerous technology out of the wrong hands. ("Infinite Possibilities, Part 2: Icarus Abides")

To that end, Crichton struggles to survive from one solar day to the next, facing danger with his brother-in-arms D'Argo, surrogate kid sister Chiana, and the rest of his inner circle of trusted (and not-so-trusted) friends aboard Moya. But Crichton's greatest adventure has been the rollercoaster ride of his relationship with ex-Peacekeeper commando Aeryn Sun. Their relationship has been, by turns, antagonistic, passionate, bitter, melodramatic and tragic. She has been his touchstone, his guiding star in this terrifying corner of the universe. He has opened her heart and mind to a wider perspective on the universe: one based on love rather than fear.

For John Crichton and his friends, the adventure of a lifetime (or two or three) is only just beginning....
