- Arn
- Unit of time measurement, approximately equal to one Earth hour.
- Control Collar
- Metallic restraining ring placed around the outer hull of a Leviathan to prevent it from initiating Starburst while in Peacekeeper captivity. ("Premiere")
- Cycle
- Unit of time measurement, roughly equal to one Earth year.
- Dominar
- Honorific title bestowed on the ruler of the Hynerian Empire. Its closest English-language equivalent would be "Emperor-King." See: Rygel
- Flax Net
- Enormous, invisible "magna drift-net mesh" that is deployed in space. A Flax Net absorbs light when it is deployed. One group know to be using a Flax Net to trap and rob spacecraft are the Zenetan Pirates. ("The Flax")
- Freslin
- "Attractant" drug extracted from the senil gland (part of the anatomy of most sentient species), Freslin is a powerful aphrodisiac known to affect several different races. Ingesting it makes other individuals seem to be more attractive and/or desirable. Certain specialized versions of the drug cause the user to appear more attractive to others by causing his/her/its body to emit special pheromones while the drug is active in his/her/its system. This transformation is called an Aura Morph. ("Scratch 'n' Sniff")
- Heat Delirium
- Severe, adverse reaction suffered by Sebaceans in response to prolonged heat exposure. Untreated, Heat Delirium can quickly lead to the Living Death a catatonic state most Sebaceans consider worse than death. ("Exodus from Genesis")
- Karack Metallites
- Burrowing insects that devour various metals; in their dormant state they closely resemble valuable Borinium ingots. When their legs extend from their bodies, they closely resemble arachnids. the only known means of destroying Karack metallites is exposure to intensely hot fire. ("Liars, Guns and Money, Part 2: With Friends Like These")
- Life Disc
- Surgical implant that creates a permanent link between the lifeforces of two entities. Each entity receives one of a pair of bonded Life Discs; so long as both entities remain alive, both Life Discs will remain active. If one of the bonded entities dies, the Life Disc possessed by the other entity will go dark, signifying the other's passing. ("Taking the Stone")
- Metra
- Unit of distance measurement, roughly equivalent to one kilometer on Earth.
- Microt
- Unit of time measurement, approximately equal to one second of Earth time. Used colloquially to indicate any very short period of time. Example: "I'll be there in a microt."
- Novatrin
- Gas that is very hazardous to the biological components of Leviathans. One of the six forbidden cargoes aboard the living ships. ("A Clockwork Nebari")
- Paraphoral Nerve
- Sebacean internal organ; used to eliminate toxins from the body. If it is damaged, death will occur within 50 to 60 arns. The only known treatment for a damaged Paraphoral Nerve is transplantation of a healthy organ from a compatible donor. ("Nerve")
- Starburst
- Means of faster-than-light travel used by Leviathans. Starburst catapults a Leviathan through a different dimension of space-time. The experience is nearly instantaneous; it also is nearly impossible to predict where any given Starburst maneuver will end. There is a risk of becoming trapped between dimensions if a Starburst is attempted without sufficient control or power. ("Through the Looking Glass")