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Moya is a Leviathan — a giant, living ship. She was born free, then captured by slavers who sold her to the Peacekeepers, who forced her into service as a prison transport. ("The Way We Weren't") In that way, she became home to D'Argo, Rygel, and Zhaan, who first came aboard as prisoners, then later freed themselves and became the Leviathan's new crew. ("Premiere")

Moya has had at least two Pilots. She helped choose the first one, who was bonded to her naturally. But the Peacekeepers ripped this original Pilot away from her and forcibly bonded her to her current Pilot, whom they expected to be more compliant to their will. Luckily, this new Pilot turned out to be braver and more noble than the Peacekeepers expected. Moya grew to accept and respect him, and he was an active party to her escape. Later, he guiltily destroyed his unnatural bonds with her — then, with her consent, rebonded with her naturally, in a slow and difficult process. ("The Way We Weren't")

As time has passed, Moya also has grown fond of her disparate crew. She felt especially close to Zhaan, who was often her closest ally and protector, even willing on occasion to absorb into herself some of the great ship's pain. While Moya will not hesitate to take action on her own if she feels it necessary, she respects the opinions of her passengers. That said, it's inevitable that sometimes these same passengers irritate her greatly: D'Argo and Crichton's bickering once caused her to banish them for a time. ("Scratch 'n' Sniff")

After becoming a mother, Moya had to balance her own needs and those of her crew with those of her troubled son, Talyn. Her struggle to do what was best for him ended when he gave his life to destroy Scorpius' Command Carrier. ("Into the Lion's Den, Part 2: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing") While grieving, Moya fought to convey his shattered remains to the sacred Leviathan burial space. Though her efforts placed her life at risk, she perservered in this task, revealing her dedication to the traditions of her species as well as the depth of her affection for her heroically fallen son. ("Dog With Two Bones")

Moya is a caring and adventurous being, and she truly has become home for those aboard her. Her favorite moments remain those she shares with Pilot, as the two delight in their shared flights through the vast, pristine reaches of deep space.
