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Lifeform Encounters


The Peacekeepers are mercenary soldiers. [ PEACEKEEPERS ] Not content with exercising dominion over their own species — the Sebaceans — the Peacekeepers have branched out to many other sectors as well. For a price, they will serve as the military force for planets that lack one, though this arrangement usually is more advantageous to the Peacekeepers than to their "clients."

Peacekeepers are tenacious fighters with massive ships and overwhelming weaponry. They frequently capture living Leviathan ships, harness them with Control Collars to force obedience, and turn them into troop or prisoner transports. Moya and I were Peacekeeper captives for many, many cycles, until the prisoners Zhaan, D'Argo, and Rygel escaped, removed the Control Collar, and freed Moya and me.

Captain Bialar Crais was in command of the Peacekeeper Command Carrier responsible for recapturing Moya and the prisoners. He pursued this task with extra zeal because he blamed the Human, John Crichton for the death of his brother, Prowler pilot Tauvo Crais.

When Crichton's Farscape Module first appeared — diverted here by something he calls a wormhole — it accidentally collided with Tauvo Crais's Prowler.

Later, when Officer Aeryn Sun — a Prowler pilot captured by D'Argo, Zhaan and Rygel — attempted to explain to Captain Crais that Tauvo's death was an accident, Crais refused to listen. Instead, he declared Officer Sun "irreversibly contaminated" by her "unauthorized" contact with the alien lifeforms Crichton, Zhaan, D'Argo and Rygel. Crais sentenced her to death, but she and Crichton escaped to Moya and fled with us from Crais, who eventually lost his command as a result of his failure to apprehend us.

During the past few cycles, we have learned a great deal more about the Peacekeepers. They maintain a number of secret Gammak Bases in various locations within the Uncharted Territories, and some exist aboard their imposing Command Carriers. One such mobile laboratory was maintained by Scorpius as part of his wormhole research project. He believed his project was crucial to the survival of the Sebacean peoples because of the imminent threat posed by the Scarran Imperium. That same threat also led the Peacekeepers to forge a defense alliance with the Luxans, whom they previously had held in low regard.

Peacekeeper society is a harsh, unforgiving meritocracy. Success is rewarded quickly and richly, and failure is punished brutally. Sebacean children are born and reared aboard Command Carriers, trained from infancy to be elite soldiers, to follow orders without question. Subordinates display unwavering loyalty to their superiors, unless they perceive a weakness that can be exploited. Just as Scorpius usurped Crais' command, Braca apparently has betrayed Scorpius and offered his allegiance to Commandant Mele-On Grayza.

Within the ranks of the Peacekeepers, there appears to be a hierarchy that places intelligence operatives at the top, elite soldiers and pilots second, other combat personnel third, military doctors and technicians below soldiers, and civilian scientists and advisers at the bottom.

Curiously, we have seen evidence that the Peacekeepers were not always the violent, predatory mercenaries we have come to fear. Roughly 500 cycles ago, history recorded the bravery and self-sacrifice of a small detachment of Peacekeepers who gave their lives to defend innocent, unarmed nurses and children on the planet Jocacea. Though it seems implausible, it leads me to wonder — if the Peacekeepers began as a noble, defensive institution, is it possible they might one day be so again?



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