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During Moya's captivity, the Peacekeepers developed a biomechanoid catalyst to produce a new breed of Leviathan — one with weapons — but a shield was installed to prevent that catalyst from initiating Moya's pregnancy. When D'Argo accidentally shattered that shield, the catalyst took effect. ("They've Got a Secret") Half a cycle later, Moya's son was born. ("The Hidden Memory")

While thrilled at his healthy (though difficult) birth, the crew was dismayed to see that his Peacekeeper heritage was all too obvious: The newborn ship was studded with weaponry — most visibly, a powerful cannon. Moya's offspring also differed from other Leviathans because, while he could support a Pilot (as Stark proved — "Meltdown"), this new hybrid Leviathan didn't require one. Instead, he could be piloted by direct voice commands. Despite these anomalies, however, Moya loved her son from the start.

Moya chose Aeryn Sun to name her son. ("Family Ties") As a result, Aeryn always felt especially close to the young ship, understanding his ambivalence about his Peacekeeper nature and wanting to guide him to maturity. Aeryn named him Talyn — her father's name — saying it was "a good, strong name he will bear proudly ... in freedom, if I have anything to say about it."

Whether Talyn would bear that name in freedom was perpetually in doubt. First, he was abducted by Captain Bialar Crais. ("Mind the Baby") The crew feared that Crais' influence would turn the young, impressionable — and potentially dangerous — Leviathan into a violent attack vessel. Instead, Crais became a father figure to the young ship, accepting Talyn's Hand of Friendship (a direct neural interface between captain and vessel). ("The Ugly Truth")

Hearing of Talyn's existence, the Peacekeepers sent a deadly Retrieval Squad to capture their renegade creation. ("Thanks for Sharing") Talyn and Crais, already suffering complex mental and physical side-effects of their psychic bond, were attacked and nearly destroyed. Talyn's strength and courage narrowly allowed him to escape, calling to Moya for help.

Over the course of the next half-cycle, Talyn recovered physically from the assault. But the Peacekeepers' pursuit had not ended. The unceasing violence and conflicting passions in Talyn's life began to take their toll, and he became dangerously unstable — even to the point of firing at his mother, Moya. ("I-Yensch, You-Yensch") Despite her love for her fiercely brave son, Moya allowed the crew to shut down his biological functions, hoping that the experts aboard Scorpius' Command Carrier could cure him. That Talyn consented to this plan was a measure of his respect and love for Moya, Crais, and Aeryn.

Talyn's courageous self-sacrifice aboard the Command Carrier — an act that kept wormhole technology from Peacekeeper hands and allowed his friends to escape Peacekeeper captivity — stands as a testament to the noble soul that lived within this troubled, unique young Leviathan. ("Into the Lion's Den, Part 2: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing")
