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Lifeform Encounters


Scarrans are a powerful, intelligent, ambitious species with a steadfast belief in their own superiority.

[ SCARRANS ]Physiologically, they have strikingly high body temperatures. Their bodies are also able to employ heat as a tool: Their heat-projection abilities can be used to extract truth from, and even kill, their victims. (Stark, a Banik, is one of the few lifeforms we know of who can resist Scarran heat torture.) Scarrans have great strength, which, combined with their thick hides, makes them difficult to subdue. Removal of their heat-producing gland, however, weakens them severely.

In addition to their ability to extract truth with heat, Scarrans employ a more complex method of interrogation: they have technology that can create delusions in a subject's mind that collapse the subject's mental resistance to information extraction.

Scarrans are, clearly, a technologically advanced species. They have gigantic ships, called Dreadnoughts, that are twice the size of Peacekeeper Command Carriers. Like Scarrans themselves, Dreadnoughts are extremely difficult to destroy.

Scarrans also have displayed a keen interest in reproductive genetics, with limited success: The half-breed Scorpius appears to be the result of a Sebacean-Scarran mating; more recently, as part of a plot to assume power in the neutral Sebacean Breakaway Colonies, the Scarran agent Sastaretski Cargn modified Princess Katralla's DNA, rendering Her Highness genetically incompatible for reproduction with other Sebaceans.

The Scarran Imperium constitutes the Peacekeepers' most significant enemy. Currently, there is a balance of power between the two antagonists, with both sides fighting for the advantage. The Scarrans' bid for control of the Breakaway Colonies, a strategic buffer state, constituted one effort in this ongoing struggle. Furthermore, both sides are racing to develop wormhole technology and associated weaponry; whichever side attains those abilities first likely will devastate its opponent.

The Scarrans are allied with the Charrids, a savage warrior race. Whether this proves to be a meaningful advantage for the Scarrans remains to be seen. Even on their own, however, the Scarrans are formidable. Our preferred strategy for interacting with them is to avoid such encounters entirely.


Look at the Princess, Part 1: A Kiss is But a Kiss

Look at the Princess, Part 2: I Do, I Think

Look at the Princess, Part 3: The Maltese Crichton (Crichton's log)

Won't Get Fooled Again

Season of Death


Infinite Possibilities, Part 1: Daedalus Demands

Infinite Possibilities, Part 2: Icarus Abides
