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Scorpius has proved to be a formidable enemy to John Crichton and the crew of Moya — he is cold, methodical, intelligent and determined. He is half-Sebacean and half-Scarran, the product of a cruel breeding experiment conducted by the Scarrans. ("Incubator") His hybrid physiology is the reason for the elaborate protective suit he wears: His Sebacean characteristics cannot tolerate the heat radiated by his Scarran side. ("Look at the Princess, Part 3: The Maltese Crichton") The suit, coupled with the cooling rods that must be inserted into his brain and frequently changed as they overheat, allows his two halves to live in equilibrium. A more beneficial quirk of Scorpius' unique physiology enables him see subtle shifts in the energy signatures of living beings — and thereby detect people's lies. ("Incubator")

Scorpius' childhood aboard a Scarran Dreadnought was brutal enough to motivate not only his eventual escape, but also his lifelong vendetta against the Scarran race. He defected to the Peacekeepers, where he succeeded in gaining great power and esteem. ("Incubator") He was given command of a Gammak Base — a secret Peacekeeper weapons-research installation deep in the Uncharted Territories.

Consequently, when Scorpius discovered that secret wormhole knowledge had been hidden in Crichton's mind by The Ancients, he became obsessed with extracting that information. ("The Hidden Memory") His unconventional and unrelenting pursuit of Crichton threatened everyone on Moya for well over a cycle.

The Peacekeepers accepted the high cost of this pursuit for a time, but eventually Scorpius began to lose the respect of his subordinates and the Peacekeeper High Command. When Crichton — and Talyn — destroyed Scorpius' latest Gammak project, the Peacekeeper scientist's failure seemed assured and his fate sealed. ("Into the Lion's Den, Part 2: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing")

However, when it comes to personal survival, Scorpius has proved many times that he possesses a truly uncanny brilliance....

