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For the first time in his life, John Crichton wanted to die. He was attending Aeryn's funeral, and, though Crichton was free of the neurochip, his mind still harbored a Neural Clone of Scorpius' personality — and a deeply suicidal clone, at that. But Crichton's overwhelming despair lessened somewhat when he realized he could dominate the clone. His hopes improved considerably more when Zhaan's spiritual powers brought Aeryn back from the edge of death.

The effort exhausted Zhaan herself almost to the point of death. Not long after the smart, imperious Jool joined the crew, Zhaan sacrificed her life to rescue Moya and the crew from a deadly wormhole in which they'd become trapped. D'Argo's new relationship with his son shattered when he discovered Jothee's affair with Chiana. Jothee fled. Then, during an adventure on a dying Leviathan, Crichton was twinned — split into two identical Crichtons.

As if all that weren't bad enough, Crais and Talyn reappeared, badly injured from an assault by a Peacekeeper Retrieval Squad. When the Squad attacked again, Talyn and Moya split up — and the crew split with them: Crais, Aeryn, Rygel, Stark — an anguished mystic who'd developed an intimate bond with Zhaan — and one of the Crichtons departed aboard Talyn, while D'Argo, Chiana, Jool, and the other Crichton remained aboard Moya.

Both Crichtons still longed for two things: Earth and Aeryn's love. Missing Aeryn, the Crichton on Moya plunged into the wormhole studies that could get him home. Meanwhile, Aeryn dared to begin a trusting, passionate relationship with the Crichton on Talyn. She was by his side when he gave his life to keep wormhole technology out of the claws of the Scarrans.

When Moya and Talyn reunited, the crew's bonds were tenuous. D'Argo was still recovering from Chiana's betrayal, and Chiana herself was struggling to cope with her new, prophetic visions. And Crichton was stunned when Aeryn, grieving and afraid to love again, avoided his company. Still, everyone found a semblance of unity in Crichton's new goal: to end Scorpius' wormhole research. In an audacious plan, they pretended to defect in order to gain safe passage aboard his Command Carrier. The pretense ended when Crais and Talyn sacrificed their lives to blow up the huge ship, destroying both the research and Scorpius' career.

After bearing Talyn's remains to a Sacred Leviathan Burial Space, the crew splintered, pulled apart by the currents of their differing goals. Crichton himself remained torn between his two dreams until, with the help of a strange Old Woman, he realized he'd rather be with Aeryn than return to Earth. But Aeryn didn't want his company.

Crichton, drifting in his Farscape Module, witnessed the others' departures from Moya. Earth was still lost to him — and now his friends were lost, too. To make his grief worse, in an intuitive flash Crichton realized that Aeryn had left bearing a secret — a secret that could change both their lives. He knew he had to pursue her at all costs —

But at that moment, a wormhole opened up and swallowed Moya whole. If Crichton thought he was alone before, it was nothing compared with the isolation he faced now....


SEASON ONE Overview | SEASON TWO Overview