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The Breakaway Colonies are neutral societies, established long ago by Sebaceans wishing to avoid Peacekeeper rule. [ THE BREAKAWAY COLONIES ] They have succeeded, establishing stable, prosperous civilizations. Such is their position that both the Peacekeepers and the Scarrans would gain a great advantage by assuming control of the Colonies. So far, all such attempts have failed.

The society of the Colonies' Royal Planet is courtly and sophisticated. Most of the inhabitants dwell in clean, attractive cities; very few ever venture into the wild Barren Lands beyond.

In order to maintain stability and peace within the realm, the Royal Planet has evolved a complex system of government. Each heir to the throne must meet two requirements: First, he or she must be married to someone genetically compatible, so that healthy children (and future heirs) are absolutely ensured. Second, after marriage, the new royal couple — with the female already bearing the new heir's embryo — must spend 80 cycles preserved as living statues in the Royal Court, observing and learning from everything that happens in their presence. In this way, the government is guaranteed to be stable: There will always be a royal heir to the throne, and each heir will begin his or her reign already possessing 80 cycles of experience. The current empress, Novia, is a perfect product of her background: She is wise, skilled in political intrigue, and dedicated to the preservation of the Colonies.

Naturally, we arrived at the Breakaway Colonies during a rare moment of crisis: Princess Katralla could not find a genetically compatible mate, and the succession to the throne was in danger of being granted to her brother, Prince Clavor, who was a pawn of the Scarrans. Eventually, however, she discovered someone who could father her child and stand by her side, frozen, for 80 cycles — Crichton.


Look at the Princess, Part 1: A Kiss is But a Kiss

Look at the Princess, Part 2: I Do, I Think

Look at the Princess, Part 3: The Maltese Crichton