Jothee is the son of D'Argo and a Sebacean woman, Lo'Lann. When Jothee was very young, Lo'Lann was murdered by her brother, Macton, and D'Argo was framed for the crime. D'Argo knew that Macton had acted out of a Peacekeeper abhorance for mixed-species marriages and mixed-species children. Facing arrest and fearing for his son's safety, D'Argo was forced to leave Jothee in the care of others. Besides his own sorrow, D'Argo's heart broke with the knowledge that his son was too young to understand why both his parents suddenly disappeared from his life. ("They've Got a Secret")
What happened to Jothee in the following years remains a mystery. Jothee didn't want to talk about it during his brief time on Moya, though he implied that he'd been on the run or enslaved for most of the last 10 cycles. When the crew found him, he was about to be sold as part of a lot of 10,000 Banik slaves from the Katin mines. ("Liars, Guns and Money, Part 1: A Not So Simple Plan")
By the time he was reunited with his overjoyed father, Jothee had been deprived not only of a happy childhood with his parents, but, more specifically, of the rituals and traditions of a Luxan upbringing. Jothee was past the age of Repakkon, the Luxan birthright ceremony. Eager to make up for lost time, D'Argo began to reintroduce his son to his Luxan heritage. To D'Argo's horror, Jothee explained that he had suffered for his mixed blood, and thus had longed to be rid of his Luxan heritage altogether. In fact, Jothee had mutilated his own tenkas, cutting off these most visible signs of his Luxan ancestry. ("Liars, Guns and Money, Part 3: Plan B")
Considering the traumas he'd endured, the Jothee who came aboard Moya was a remarkably self-possessed young man. He seemed to have reached a peace with his dual heritage, and he made a genuine effort to please D'Argo. That said, he was unprepared to be parented. Having been alone or enslaved for so many cycles, Jothee had learned both to take care of himself and to value his independence. Moreover, now that he was out of danger he was eager to recapture some of the freedom and irresponsibility of youth. In that sense, he and Chiana understood each other instantly and their impulsive affair was the result. ("Suns and Lovers")
In disgrace and unwilling to join his father in a peaceful farming life, Jothee left Moya without saying good-bye. He's been gone for a cycle; his whereabouts now are unknown.