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Lifeform Encounters


Scorpius has already proven to be a formidable opponent [ SCORPIUS ] — cold, methodical, intelligent and determined. He is half Sebacean and half Scarran, the product of the latter species' work in recombinant genetics and selective breeding.

Despite his mixed origins, Scorpius is intensely loyal to the Peacekeepers. He was in command of a Gammak Base, a secret Peacekeeper research installation deep in the Uncharted Territories. The purpose of that base, according to Crichton, was to develop wormhole technology. It is chilling to imagine how much the Peacekeepers could extend their power if they possessed the ability to transcend vast distances via wormholes.

However, when Scorpius captured Crichton and probed his memories with the Aurora Chair, he discovered that a race of aliens called the Ancients had implanted information deep within Crichton's mind: the necessary equations for the creation of a wormhole. This came as a surprise even to Crichton, who had no recollection of receiving this "gift." The Ancients had deliberately hidden the equations from Crichton's conscious mind so they would serve only as a guide. Learning that Crichton possessed such secrets caused Scorpius to become obsessed with capturing the Human.

To prevent Scorpius and the Peacekeepers from harnessing the power of wormholes, the crew destroyed Scorpius' first Gammak Base; he soon established a new, mobile research facility aboard the Command Carrier he had usurped from Captain Crais. The crew later went to great effort and risk to destroy Scorpius' Command Carrier, a mission that cost the lives of Captain Crais and Moya's heroic son, Talyn.




The Hidden Memory

Family Ties

Mind the Baby

Look at the Princess, Part 1: A Kiss is But a Kiss

Look at the Princess, Part 2: I Do, I Think

Look at the Princess, Part 3: The Maltese Crichton

Liars, Guns and Money, Part 1: A Not So Simple Plan

Liars, Guns and Money, Part 2: With Friends Like These

Liars, Guns and Money, Part 3: Plan B

Die Me, Dichotomy

Losing Time


I-Yensch, You-Yensch

Into the Lion's Den, Part 1: Lambs to the Slaughter

Into the Lion's Den, Part 2: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing