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Aeryn Sun
Journey Logs

"Into the Lion's Den, Part 1: Lambs to the Slaughter"

Crichton's mission to the Command Carrier was underway. If all went well, he would secretly destroy Scorpius' wormhole research, while Scorpius, unsuspecting, saw to it that Crichton's friends received favors in exchange for the human's scientific "help."

All did not go well.

The Peacekeeper crew's hatred of the visitors was palpable. Ignoring this public sentiment, Scorpius acted in good faith, bringing Talyn aboard for a full systems replacement and granting Crichton complete access to the wormhole project.

While Crichton began work alongside Scorpius' lead scientist, Co-Kura Strappa, Aeryn Sun adapted to being an outcast in her former home. I sense that her interactions with Officer Henta, a fellow pilot and former close friend who now despised her as a traitor, were particularly disheartening.

By contrast, Lieutenant Braca granted Rygel a full report on the Hynerian political situation — which brought the deposed Dominar good news. And a Peacekeeper surgeon removed the clavicle rings that had symbolized D'Argo's imprisonment for so long.

The Restorative Chamber, where D'Argo recovered, proved an excellent location for private talks because its mists interfered with the ship's surveillance system. Crichton and Aeryn discussed strategy there. D'Argo and Jool also enjoyed a few quiet words — before a Peacekeeper warrior burst in and attacked the Luxan. The fight was fierce; the Peacekeeper died.

A Lieutenant Reljik attempted to blame this incident on D'Argo. Scorpius, however, made it clear the lieutenant was responsible for the conduct of all the troops under his command — and told Reljik that if any harm came to the visitors, Reljik would be held responsible, whether or not he knew about it. Despite Scorpius' assurances of safety, D'Argo insisted on returning to Moya — but not before demanding the Peacekeeper file of his wife's killer, Macton.

Captain Crais, meanwhile, worked to repair Talyn with the help of a former comrade, Larell. She and Crais had been very close during his captaincy, a closeness both were eager to renew. Unfortunately, Crais couldn't tell if her affection was genuine or merely an excuse for spying on him.

Once he explored the wormhole project's true scope, Crichton realized that sabotaging it would be more challenging — practically and morally — than he'd imagined. He began to have second thoughts. Was it possible to destroy the project without massive loss of life? More abstractly, was it acceptable to destroy the Peacekeepers' primary defense against the dangerous Scarran Imperium?

Moya and I, nervously awaiting news from the Command Carrier, were delighted to see Chiana, Jool and Rygel return with D'Argo. But then Chiana had a vision of me screaming — which immediately came to pass, as Moya was struck by a painful Peacekeeper Immobilizer Pulse. We were all taken captive.

I shared Moya's resolve to die before ever returning to enslavement. Thankfully, we had allies aboard the Command Carrier, though they were unaware of our plight. Indeed, Crichton was so deeply absorbed in his equations that, despite himself, he began uncovering the true solution to wormhole travel. He broke off at once upon hearing of our capture, and, with Aeryn, confronted Scorpius.

Scorpius was not at fault. He had been trumped by Commandant Mele-On Grayza, a new name to us, but one carrying a great deal of weight among the disgruntled Peacekeeper crew. Scorpius ordered our release, but the formidable Grayza vowed that she would return — to terminate his wormhole project.

Scorpius increased his pressure on Crichton to solve the wormhole conundrum. He would stop at nothing to save his project, even if it meant committing himself to a 60-cycle journey across the galaxy to exterminate Crichton's homeworld for revenge. Distracted, neither he nor Crichton suspected that Lieutenant Reljik and his band of malcontents, now endorsed by Grayza, were planning to assassinate them both....


[] Tammy MacIntosh  . . . . . .  Jool
[] David Franklin  . . . . . .  Lt. Braca
[] Rebecca Riggs  . . . . . .  Commandant Mele-On Grayza
[] Danny Adcock  . . . . . .  Co-Kura Strappa
[] Sean Taylor  . . . . . .  Lt. Reljik
[] Lenore Smith  . . . . . .  Lt. Darinta Larell
[] Marta Dusseldorp  . . . . . .  Officer Yal Henta
[] Lewis Fitz-Gerald  . . . . . .  Tosko
[] Mark Mercedes  . . . . . .  Officer Vonk

[] Writer  . . . . . .  Richard Manning
[] Director  . . . . . .  Ian Watson


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