Dam: Rylani Jeema Dellos, born on New Heather, mated to Ghebb Dellos [deceased], disappeared at age 22 cycles following Scarran massacre of Motak Four colonization flight. Now known to be deceased.

Sire: Scarran [details UNKNOWN].

History: Born with severe, endemic physiological problems induced by conflict between high body temperature of Scarran physiology and low body temperature of Sebacean physiology.

In isolation within environmental chamber on board Scarran dreadnought for approximately 15 cycles. Edured various deprivation and heat tortures under the supervision of Tauza [Scarran female, details UNKNOWN] in a failed attempt to brainwash with anti-Sebacean lies/propaganda, to supress naturally dominant Sebacean traits and characteristics, and to teach fundamental Scarran behavior/knowledge including [ CLASSIFIED ].

Escaped Scarran dreadnought by means of [ CLASSIFIED ]; flew evacuation pod to system designated [ CLASSIFIED ].

At large in neutral systems and Uncharted Territories for approximately eight cycles. Acquired lifesaving temperature-regulation equipment.

Surrendered to Captain Molayne in sector [ CLASSIFIED ] on date [ CLASSIFIED ]. Interrogated; deemed cooperative, not fully compliant. Molayne arranged terms whereby Scorpius received information re: his parentage; in return, Scorpius provided data on Scarran physiology, behavior, technology, vessel design. [ Details CLASSIFIED as High Command Reports, available to Senior Officers possessing clearance/need-to-know status. ]

Recaptured by Scarrans during personal visit to Motak Four.

Returned to custody of Tauza aboard Scarran dreadnought. Interrogated; tortured mentally/physically. [Note on possible security breach: at this time, Scorpius possessed visual knowledge of Command Carrier layout and personnel but no other information deemed sensitive.]

Escaped and repatriated to Peacekeeper territory with the following information:

  • Scarrans conducted 91 Sebacean/Scarran breeding experiments with goal of producing useful hybrids; no offspring survived except Scorpius.
  • Due to this failure, Scarrans canceled the breeding program and declared the Sebacean race to be valueless. Scarrans now plan to eradicate Sebaceans. [ Details CLASSIFIED as High Command Reports, available to Senior Officers possessing clearance/need-to-know status. ]
  • Further information [ CLASSIFIED ] enabled destruction of a Scarran dreadnought in sector [ CLASSIFIED ].

Exempted from Purity Regulations due to "unique status and clear loyalties;" entered Peacekeeper Service [ SEE FULL SERVICE RECORD ].

Created and commands the task force charged with [ CLASSIFIED ].

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