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Crichton's Notes
Crichton's Notes


When I started these notes, I was writing them for people back on Earth. I wrote to describe the things I've seen on this side of the galaxy — a message home, minus a bottle to carry them there.

These days it seems more likely that someone from this end of the universe will read what I've written — and whoever that person is, I doubt they're gonna consider my thoughts on Dentics radically new information.

So here's a little tune just for you Uncharted Territories folks... (if you're from Earth, go look up the specs yourself in the IASA archives, 'cause I wrote those, too). ... I like to call this little ditty "My Module."

The Farscape One Module is underpowered, under-shielded, and underestimated. Her hull is an eggshell compared to a Prowler's, she was never designed for extended flight, she's got zero capacity for cargo or extra passengers, and she's totally unarmed — but she's survived this far, which says something.

The Module, with me in it, was supposed to prove my theory that Earth's gravity could function as a slingshot, giving my ship some serious acceleration with no fuel expenditure. It would've worked, too. Rightfully, I should have been hurled a nice distance through space, and the Module was therefore equipped with enough fuel and atmosphere to sustain me until I could rendezvous with the Space Shuttle.

However, there was a solar flare, things changed, and the next thing I knew I was surrounded by leather-clad fanatics who wanted to kick my ass, alien princesses, talking frogs, etc.

Back to my Module. Two cool things: First, she's still here, still flying, despite being designed for such a specific, limited purpose. After she ran out of Earth fuel, I modified her with organic parts from Moya, which have worked surprisingly well. So, my Module turns out to be more adaptable than her pilot to this new life. Which brings me to the second cool thing: My Module can fly through wormholes like she was custom-built for them, and bring her passengers out safe on the other side. Peacekeeper ships could take mine in a fight, but if we all plunged into a wormhole, I'd be the only one crossing the finish line.

So I keep my Module around for sentimental reasons, sure. She's white like the Space Shuttle; she's got the Stars-and-Stripes emblem; she's a link to my home, my former so-called life. But I also keep her around because she's saved my life here more than once — and she might just be my ticket home.



'Til the Blood Runs Clear

Jeremiah Crichton

A Human Reaction

Into the Lion's Den, Part 2: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

Dog With Two Bones