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Aeryn Sun
Journey Logs

"PK Tech Girl"

We discovered the Zelbinion, a Peacekeeper Command Carrier, floating dead in space, decimated long ago by unknown attackers. Finding the Zelbinion had a devastating effect on Rygel, because it was the first ship on which he was imprisoned after losing his throne. Aboard the legendary Zelbinion, the Hynerian ex-Dominar had been tortured by the infamously sadistic Captain Durka. (See "Durka Returns")

Aboard the Zelbinion the crew met Gilina, a Peacekeeper technician sent by Captain Bialar Crais to salvage any components of the once-mighty vessel that were still operational. Gilina, a Sebacean like Aeryn Sun (but without Officer Sun's military training), soon became attracted to Crichton, and the Human was drawn to her, as well — a situation that, for some reason, did not sit well with Officer Sun.

We soon learned Gilina and our crew were not the only ones interested in the Zelbinion — it and Moya came under attack by the violent Sheyangs, a scavenger species capable of spitting fireballs. Without weapons to defend herself, Moya was helpless — so D'Argo, with Zhaan's help, overcame his insecurities and bluffed the Sheyangs into thinking they had attacked a ship full of Luxan warriors.

D'Argo's performance allowed the crew to stall the Sheyangs' attack for a short time, but our only hope for survival was for Crichton and Gilina to reapir the Zelbinion's damaged Defense Screen — a task made even more difficult by the Sheyang warrior who boarded the derelict Command Carrier to hunt them down....


[] Alyssa-Jane Cook  . . . . . .  Gilina [PK Technician]
[] Derek Amer  . . . . . .  Teurac
[] Peter Astridge  . . . . . .  Lomus
[] Peter Knowles  . . . . . .  Evran
[] David Wheeler  . . . . . .  Captain Durka

[] Writer  . . . . . .  Nan Hagan
[] Director  . . . . . .  Tony Tilse


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