ROCKNE S. O'BANNON (Series Creator)
Many, many memorable moments for me from four years and 88 episodes. There were so many moments which defined or redefined the series and the characters:
- The first few minutes of "Premiere," when Crichton's father tells him about being his "own kind of hero." That moment set in motion the theme for every frame that followed.
- When Crichton told Aeryn, "You can be more" that was another seminal subtext to the series;
- The first time someone utters "Frell!" (Aeryn in "DNA Mad Scientist");
- D'Argo's confession of his real crime in "They've Got a Secret";
- Rygel biting Aeryn's arm and swallowing the piece in "I, E.T.";
- Crichton's defiant cry, "John Crichton was here!" in "Family Ties";
- Pilot's deeply moving revelation in "The Way We Weren't."
There are, of course, favorite Chiana moments, and more for Zhaan and Crais, and there are Scorpius moments galore. ... But when I was asked the question, one particular moment leapt to mind first. Subscribing to the theory that you should go with your first instinct, here's my choice for my personal favorite moment in Farscape:
It occurred at the end of "Bone to be Wild," when Moya asked Aeryn to name her soon-to-be-born offspring. In that single moment, the very essence of Aeryn Sun's emergence is captured on film thanks to the incredible talent of Claudia Black. For the first time in her life Aeryn felt accepted, felt connected, felt worthy, felt herself an individual felt loved. In that moment, the character of Aeryn Sun blossomed. All that Aeryn is in every episode that follows, and in particular her relationship with John Crichton, is seeded in that moment when she is born again. A remarkable character moment.
"Bone to be Wild"
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