BEN BROWDER (John Crichton)
Favorite Farscape moment. If I have to pick only one....
It's not really about the best moment on screen... but it feels like an absolute highlight in the shooting of Farscape.
Shooting the dune-buggy sequence for episode 315 ("Infinite Possibilities, Part 2: Icarus Abides"). Just two days before we had shot the death scene for Talyn-John; it had been emotionally draining watching Claudia blubber over John's death. Then slammo John and Aeryn are tooling around in dune buggies on a perfect autumn day, very much in love and about to save the universe from the Scarrans.
It was a B-unit shoot which meant fewer folks and pretty much just Claudia, Rob Simper (usually known as "Safety Bob") and myself in front of the camera.
I would drive for the camera and then Claudia would recklessly drive back to where we would start the shot... both of us terrifying the stunt coordinators. It was like being 16 again, away from the studio and playing hooky from our regular job. The added benefit was playing "happy action heros" after only hours before having gone through all that depressing angst and death.
Stunts ...
Cars ...
Pretty women ...
Perfect weather ...
No school ...
Good friends ...
And they paid me for this?
"Infinite Possibilities, Part 2: Icarus Abides"
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