"The Way We Weren't"
The DRDs have ears. Although the crew seems to ignore this fact, they do know it; I've heard Chiana remind the others from time to time. Still, it doesn't stop them from commenting often rudely, I might add about me, or Moya, when they think we're not listening.
I've tried to stop listening. I am aware it's not polite.
This time, I knew there was something going on; I noticed the whispers and the closed doors, though I tried to ignore them. But I was not altogether surprised when Rygel brought me the tape.
I was, however, shocked when I saw what was on it.
The days of my arrival aboard Moya I remember only when I am forced to remember them; I've tried to put them out of my mind. I would have been quite content never to hear the name Velorek again.
But then Rygel showed me the tape. And I saw Velorek ... saw how he tried to care for me as I took my place aboard this Leviathan. I remember so vividly the agony I suffered during the bonding. He said I would get used to it, that I would adjust to the pain of being artificially bonded to Moya. I have not gotten used to it.
That was three cycles ago.
Yes. The tape a Peacekeeper surveillance recording chronicled those days with a level of detail I'd just as soon have forgotten. It also showed me details I might actually have forgotten, or perhaps never knew.
One detail in particular.
Velorek, the Peacekeeper assigned to oversee my bonding with this Leviathan, was accompanied by a female Pleisar Regiment soldier for whom he seemed to care deeply. She is someone I, too, have since come to trust and understand in ways I have never before experienced with any biped.
The tape showed her actions before I was brought aboard Moya; it showed how the Pilot before me was killed, and disposed of, and the cruel, crucial role this particular Pleisar commando played in that brutal ordeal.
At times I cannot fathom what some people will do under the orders of a Peacekeeper. Velorek was a persuasive individual, that I'll admit. But the actions he and Captain Crais demanded of this commando were pure evil and she had to have known it. How could she not?
What kind of sentient being would allow themselves to become such a monster?
And now it is too late. What's been done has been done. And I can never see this woman our own Aeryn Sun in the same way ever again....
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Lani John Tupu
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Captain Bialar Crais
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Alex Dimitriades
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Naren Shankar
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Tony Tilse