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Aeryn Sun
Journey Logs

"The Way We Weren't"

The DRDs have ears. Although the crew seems to ignore this fact, they do know it; I've heard Chiana remind the others from time to time. Still, it doesn't stop them from commenting — often rudely, I might add — about me, or Moya, when they think we're not listening.

I've tried to stop listening. I am aware it's not polite.

This time, I knew there was something going on; I noticed the whispers and the closed doors, though I tried to ignore them. But I was not altogether surprised when Rygel brought me the tape.

I was, however, shocked when I saw what was on it.

The days of my arrival aboard Moya I remember only when I am forced to remember them; I've tried to put them out of my mind. I would have been quite content never to hear the name Velorek again.

But then Rygel showed me the tape. And I saw Velorek ... saw how he tried to care for me as I took my place aboard this Leviathan. I remember so vividly the agony I suffered during the bonding. He said I would get used to it, that I would adjust to the pain of being artificially bonded to Moya. I have not gotten used to it.

That was three cycles ago.

Yes. The tape — a Peacekeeper surveillance recording — chronicled those days with a level of detail I'd just as soon have forgotten. It also showed me details I might actually have forgotten, or perhaps never knew.

One detail in particular.

Velorek, the Peacekeeper assigned to oversee my bonding with this Leviathan, was accompanied by a female Pleisar Regiment soldier for whom he seemed to care deeply. She is someone I, too, have since come to trust and understand in ways I have never before experienced with any biped.

The tape showed her actions before I was brought aboard Moya; it showed how the Pilot before me was killed, and disposed of, and the cruel, crucial role this particular Pleisar commando played in that brutal ordeal.

At times I cannot fathom what some people will do under the orders of a Peacekeeper. Velorek was a persuasive individual, that I'll admit. But the actions he and Captain Crais demanded of this commando were pure evil — and she had to have known it. How could she not?

What kind of sentient being would allow themselves to become such a monster?

And now it is too late. What's been done has been done. And I can never see this woman — our own Aeryn Sun — in the same way ever again....


[] Lani John Tupu  . . . . . .  Captain Bialar Crais
[] Alex Dimitriades  . . . . . .  Velorek

[] Writer  . . . . . .  Naren Shankar
[] Director  . . . . . .  Tony Tilse


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