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Farscape Memories

REBECCA RIGGS (Commandant Mele-On Grayza)

Favorite moment on Farscape? Any moment with the inimitable David Franklin (Captain Braca). He was wonderful to work with — subtle, funny and generous of spirit! Specifically, two moments with David come to mind:

  1. Braca's promotion (of which few of the fans have ever seen more than a glimpse [because it was cut from "Crichton Kicks" and shown only in a "Previously on Farscape" segment]); and

  2. The alien-milk-bath scene [from "What Was Lost, Part 1: Sacrifice"]. Baths are so relaxing, aren't they? It's such a shame we couldn't get his uniform wet....

What Was Lost, Part 1: Sacrifice
"What Was Lost, Part 1: Sacrifice"
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