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Hynerians are small, greenish, amphibious creatures whose lives span hundreds of cycles. Much of that time they spend eating: with three stomachs to fill, they're almost always hungry. Their bodies are capable of some unique chemical reactions: they sometimes involuntarily excrete helium gas when nervous, and, if they happen to ingest tannot root, their urine becomes a volatile explosive.

I confess to a degree of ignorance about Hynerian reproductive practices — and I further confess that I feel no great desire to learn more. I have heard that their ear-brows are sensitive erogenous zones, that they generally sleep deeply after sexual gratification, and that they are not body breeders, but rather lay eggs and fertilize them externally.

It is hard to say if our resident Hynerian, His Eminence Dominar Rygel XVI, is representative of his species; after all, he was born to rule it, which, I suspect, makes him rather atypical. As the Dominar of more than 600 billion subjects in the Hynerian Empire, Rygel had multiple wives and enjoyed great material pleasures. He rarely did a thing for himself, including walk. He still prefers to float around in his ThroneSled — an ingenious device that, if indeed a product of his home, speaks volumes about the high quality of Hynerian engineering.

There is a class structure in the Hynerian Empire, which, at the least, distinguishes sharply between royalty and commoners. I suspect that the average Hynerian commoner is slightly less self-serving than Rygel; the Dominar's ethics, which include the idea that anything he desires should rightfully be his, strike me as those of someone born to privilege. For example, I have heard Rygel speak of his multiple wives as if these females were mere possessions. But Hynerian women can be quite independent; some even serve as soldiers.

It is similarly difficult to say if Rygel's diplomatic brilliance is a product of his position in life or a trait common to Hynerians. Regardless, the Dominar's genius in this area has served us well on many occasions.

The Hynerian Empire, which includes tens of thousands of planets and species, has a long and complex history. In the past, Hynerian Dominars even held sway over distant colonies of humanoids, such as the Acquarans, who were exiled by Rygel X to a world deep within the Uncharted Territories. One thousand cycles ago, the Empire suffered the trauma of a Charrid invasion. Millions of Hynerians were killed, but multitudes of brave suicide attackers finally defeated the invaders. Another of Rygel's personal heroes is one of his forefathers, Rygel IX, who led his troops to victory in the Battle of Katreen.

Our Rygel was deposed in a coup more than 300 cycles ago and rudely imprisoned on a Peacekeeper ship while his disloyal cousin, Bishan, claimed his throne. Rygel has vowed to regain his rightful place as ruler of the Empire, and looks forward to the day when his subjects will bow to him once more.

Rygel has come very close to achieving his dream. While aboard Scorpius' Command Carrier, Rygel obtained recent Peacekeeper reports on the Hynerian political situation. Citizens on four of the Hynerian Empire's ruling planets have expressed disgust with Bishan and called for his abdication. Rygel is now more eager than ever to return home.


Throne for a Loss

Thank God It's Friday, Again

Jeremiah Crichton

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Infinite Possibilities, Part 2: Icarus Abides

Into the Lion's Den, Part 1: Lambs to the Slaughter