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Lifeform Encounters


Although Joolushko Tunai Fenta Hovalis looks less like Crichton than does Officer Sun, [ INTERIONS ] her Interion physiology is actually the closest match to the Human's that we've yet encountered, according to Grunchlk and the Diagnosan Tocot. Jool's neurochemistry is remarkably similar to Crichton's, and, impressively, her cousin proved to be a fully compatible biological donor when Crichton was in need. That implies that Humans and Interions may share some distant, evolutionary connection — which excites Crichton greatly, though Jool remains less enthused.

If Interions and Humans were once in contact, that contact must have been extremely long ago. As I mentioned, Interions and Humans do not look identical: they have different cranial architecture. Moreover, Interions have some unique physical traits — one being their hair, which changes color when they are experiencing extreme negative emotions. Furthermore, the scream of an Interion contains frequencies that can deform a wide variety of metals in the immediate vicinty. Crichton assures me that no Humans with which he's familiar possess such traits, but I have found Crichton's knowledge base limited on more than one occasion.

The Interions' homeworld does not appear on any Peacekeeper charts, or any of the other navigational aids we've acquired in recent years. It can't be too far removed from known areas of the galaxy, however; although Jool had never encountered Hynerians or Leviathans before being revived aboard Moya, she knew of Sebaceans and Peacekeepers.

I suspect that the Interion people have been enviably sheltered. They have the luxury of considering themselves too civilized for violence, and so are not experienced with it. Consequently, their elite have gained status through knowledge rather than through force. One of Jool's cousins, a member of this intellectual elite, held 16 advanced degrees. Jool herself is expert in biology, medicine, history, astrophysics and even gymnastics, though her skills in that discipline remain too stylized to be of any practical value. Despite Jool's ignorance regarding Hynerians and Leviathans, she is familiar with many other species: Her people value educational contacts with other planets, provided such contact is not too dangerous.

In addition to knowledge, Interion culture also holds material pleasure in high esteem. Their clothing is designed to be attractive rather than functional, and the best garments are quite expensive. Similarly, Jool would rather pay a great deal of money for high-quality, effervescent spirits rather than become intoxicated on cheaper beverages. She enjoys bathing and cares about her appearance, dignity and comfort above almost all else.

The more I learn about Interions, the more I understand why Jool was even more shocked than most by our rough, renegade, violent life on Moya. Yet, to her credit, she is adapting, slowly. She has placed her prodigious knowledge at our service, and she has even performed a few isolated acts of bravery or kindness. I believe that somewhere in Jool's soul is a smart, compassionate, social, friendly woman ... and I look forward to the day when we finally meet her.


Die Me, Dichotomy

Suns and Lovers

Self-Inflicted Wounds, Part 1: Could'a, Would'a, Should'a

Self-Inflicted Wounds, Part 2: Wait for the Wheel