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Lifeform Encounters


Diagnosans seem optimally gifted to be doctors. They possess facial sensory organs that allow them to intuit the nature of their patients' ailments. [ DIAGNOSANS ] Further, aided by their facile, complex minds, they are as adept at treating injury and illness as they are at diagnosing it — regardless of whether their patient is a Human, Leviathan, or anything in between. They are delicate, careful surgeons who exhibit great technological sophistication. Their personalities are gentle and nonthreatening, ideally suited for interactions with the sick and injured.

But those same talents also can be weaknesses for this gentle species. Although adroit at sensing diseases, Diagnosans are highly susceptible to them as well, and must often wear masks to protect themselves from contagion. Their delicate frames and pacifistic personalities render them especially vulnerable to violence by others. Finally, their advanced brains have developed a language so complex that it often eludes common Translator Microbes. Thus, while they are capable of communicating simple ideas, they usually require a translator to interpret their more complex statements for others.

Besides treating patients, Diagnosans spend time gathering bodies for medical research. They prefer to freeze those bodies in cryopods at the moment before death, keeping the organs indefinitely viable for transplant. Stark argued that this is an atrocity that interferes with the natural order of life and death, but Diagnosans believe they are not murderers, because they freeze only those patients whose deaths are immediately imminent. Regardless, this practice is widespread; members of Moya's crew even witnessed a Diagnosan collecting specimens on the planet Valldon.


Die Me, Dichotomy

Season of Death