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"Self-Inflicted Wounds, Part 2: Wait for the Wheel"

With Moya fused to Pathfinder Neeyala's ship and both vessels careening through the wall of a wormhole, Crichton, Aeryn, Zhaan, Chiana, D'Argo and Rygel were prepared to abandon me and Moya to our deaths. Had I been conscious, I could have told them that the pattern of Moya's injuries suggested something other than simple wormhole damage. But I was not conscious.

I understand I should be grateful, then, that the wormhole serpent made its attack in my Den. Aeryn says that without the mysterious blood left behind after the serpent vanished, no one would have discovered the true reason for Moya's seemingly unstoppable degeneration. Zhaan insisted the blood belonged to one of Neeyala's crewmembers, even though Crichton had not seen anyone else in the Den when the snake attacked. From this discrepancy they realized that the wormhole was not killing Moya nearly so quickly as was Neeyala's crew, who had been turned invisible by their Phaztillon Generator and were sabotaging our gentle Leviathan.

Learning that Moya's damage was neither natural or inevitable, everyone renewed their efforts to save her. Rygel's quest beneath my Den for the body of the snake's victim was, alone, worthy of epic poetry — if I am to believe His Eminence. Meanwhile, Stark discovered that a second saboteur, Kreetago, was still attacking Moya, and Neeyala refused to reveal her comrade's whereabouts. Kreetago shot Chiana with one of his body's poisoned needles before D'Argo was able to kill him. Chiana nearly died, but, as Rygel has continued to remind me, Zhaan used a sample of the poison from the snake's victim (whose body His Eminence recovered) to make the serum that saved Chiana's life.

With the threat of sabotage removed, Crichton and Aeryn planned our escape. As it was explained to me, when Neeyala's Phaztillon Generator was fully charged, the two ships would be forced apart. Following the separation, whichever ship was correctly aligned would fly through the wormhole's center to safety, while the other would slam through the wormhole's wall to normal space and instant dissolution. Crichton and Aeryn realized that a Starburst immediately after the separation could align Moya correctly, leaving Neeyala's ship to its destruction.

But for this to work, Crichton and the others would first have to reconnect the severed synapses in Moya's neural clusters; survive the escalating attacks of the wormhole serpent; endure the screams of our new arrival, Jool (I am amazed her voice alone did not jolt me awake); combat Neeyala's grim determination to save her own ship; and somehow awaken me from my comatose state.

And even assuming they accomplished all this, a worse task remained:

Someone would have to trigger the Phaztillon Generator on Neeyala's ship manually ... a simple task that would nonetheless condemn whoever performed it to death: quantum dispersal along with the alien ship.

I awoke into this chaos, flooded with Moya's distress as well as mine. I could now continue this story based on my own memories, not on what the others have told me. But the events that followed are still too painful for me to put into words....


[] Tammy MacIntosh  . . . . . .  Jool
[] Victoria Longley  . . . . . .  Neeyala
[] Nicholas Hope  . . . . . .  Kreetago
[] Dwayne Fernandez  . . . . . .  Cresto
[] Kerith Atkinson  . . . . . .  Shreena
[] Brian Carbee  . . . . . .  Lastren

[] Writer  . . . . . .  David Kemper
[] Director  . . . . . .  Tony Tilse


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