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"'Til the Blood Runs Clear"

John Crichton recently attempted to harness the unique gravitational forces produced by large solar flares to slingshot his vessel, a technologically refitted Farscape One, into a proto-wormhole. But the wormhole proved unstable, causing a dangerous plasma leak aboard his ship.

Not wanting to abandon Farscape One and the wormhole data it had recorded, John and Aeryn landed the damaged ship on a nearby planet at the Dam-Ba-Da Depot to enlist the services of a mechanic named Furlow.

Anxious to put more distance between himself and our Peacekeeper pursuers, D'Argo grew ever more furious over the unanticipated delay. Zhaan, normally quite adept at calming the Luxan down, unfortunately had sequestered herself away to bask privately in the surplus solar radiation — radiation that elicited in her Delvian metabolism some rather intense photogasms.

On the planet, Crichton and Aeryn quickly noticed a Peacekeeper Beacon broadcasting bounties for the capture of D'Argo, Zhaan and Rygel. Others noticed it too, including two Vorcarian Bloodtrackers named Rorf and Rorg who were determined to claim the reward. In order to throw them off, Crichton pretended to be a bounty hunter himself. His aggressive bravado triggered a submissive reaction in the feral Vorcarians, allowing him to assume the tenuous role of lead hunter, provided he could keep up the façade.

His plan would have worked had D'Argo, in his impatience, not charged down planetside. The Bloodtrackers instantly caught the Luxan's scent and captured him. Now Crichton was compelled to join in the torture of D'Argo, lest his deception be exposed and he himself be taken captive.

Zhaan, though sluggish from her solar-induced pleasure, followed D'Argo down to the Depot. While the Bloodtrackers hounded her, Aeryn uncovered yet another bounty hunter of a species unknown to us. During their ensuing confrontation, Aeryn was blinded.

With more pursuers appearing at every turn, the crew needed to board Moya and slip away from Dam-Ba-Da Depot as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, none of them were in any state to make a break for it. Unless someone figured out a way to evade these bounty hunters for good, we seemed destined to fall back into the hands of the Peacekeepers once again.


[] Magda Szubanski  . . . . . .  Furlow
[] Jeremy Sims  . . . . . .  Rorf
[] Jo Kerrigan  . . . . . .  Rorg

[] Writer  . . . . . .  Doug Heyes, Jr.
[] Director  . . . . . .  Tony Tilse


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