Face it. It's hard to connect with kids today. Like, we know that Talyn has had some growing pains who can blame him? On the run, packing heat, and stuck with creepy Crais as a Big Brother. So he had some sort of freak-out and took off, racing towards the nearest sun, preparing to swan dive into it. He veered off at the last minute but still seemed to be ready to come apart at the seams. Turned out Talyn was "hearing" irresistible radiation pulses from within the sun, some sort of siren call.
Later, when Aeryn and I started repairing some of the damage incurred by Talyn's road trip, my finger got sparked and she kissed it to make it better. We were getting as hot as the inferno outside; normally I'd have no complaints, ask no questions and take no prisoners Lord knows I'm irresistible and all but there was something wrong. We generally know better than to take a double shot of lovin' while we're still in danger of being fried.
That's when I noticed the mist seeping into the corridor.
In the Strategy Room, Crais explained the mist was drexim, Talyn's equivalent of adrenaline. It was leaking out because Talyn was so hyped-up. Best I can figure, the stuff maxed-out our biggest emotions. So Rygel was hungry like the wolf, and Crais was stalking around like Patton with dynamite up his ass.
And Stark?
Stark was hearing things, and he followed a mysterious voice to some ghost-woman haunting Talyn's vestigial Pilot's Den. This woman, Sierjna, was trapped within the sun. Hearing her story kicked Stark's spooky side into overdrive: He became obsessed with helping her.
On the bridge, Aeryn, Crais and I searched for a way to stop Talyn from hearing the siren pulse. Recalibrating his defense screens seemed promising, but to do that, we needed to fix the damaged override circuits.
Before we could get started, Mu-Quillus, a matter/energy alien with a face like burnt toast, showed up. Of course, this dude pretended to be our pal. He claimed that his home, the sun, was a naturally-occurring siren star that had already killed 83 Leviathans.
Did we trust him? Hell, no he had "maniacal bad guy" written all over him. So super-soldier Crais tried to blast him into fiery oblivion, a pretty pointless gesture if you ask me. After all, fiery oblivion is probably this critter's back yard.
Down in the Den, Sierjna told Stark that Mu-Quillus had created the pulsing lure. Another ship-building race, the Prahtikrah, had hired him to fry the competition. Along the way, he'd snagged Sierjna from a dying Leviathan and had been holding her captive inside the star ever since.
Sierjna hoped that Stark could restore her to life. But she was dren out of luck, 'cause Stark saw she was too far along to the Great Beyond to come back. Apparently, there's no going back after a certain point, just forward. Then Mu-Quillus arrived, demanding that Sierjna return. She refused. I guess a crazy Banik still makes for better company than a molten mass-murderer.
Aeryn and I had a shagadelic time fixing conduits. We even finished, despite the fog of drexim surrounding us. Yeah, baby.
But Talyn turned back toward the sun. The pulses were now shifting unnaturally, too fast for us to compensate. That proved what Stark already knew: The Heat Meiser was pulling the strings.
I'd almost pinpointed the lure's source when suddenly Talyn's systems went dark. Even Crais' transponder died. Then Stark jumped into the Pilot's seat and formed a neural link to Talyn, overriding all our controls. First we thought he was gonna save the day. But nooooooo. He flew us closer to the sun to rescue Sierjna.
Hoping to stop Stark, I shot out Talyn's guidance circuits. For his part, Crais stomped off to kill the "mutineer" who'd taken over "his" ship.
Stark ignored us. Sierjna was ready to let him guide her into death but the Banik Avenger's mysterious mojo failed at the critical moment. Then Mu-Quillus popped in and stole Sierjna back. Talyn accelerated to ramming speed. Defeated at last, Stark helpfully announced that we were all going to die....
Funny Aeryn and I were almost too distracted to care.
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Susan Lyons
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Mark Mitchell
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Linda Cropper
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Xhalax Sun
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Matt Ford
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Ian Barry