"Bringing Home the Beacon"
While the boys were off at brain camp, we girls Aeryn, Sikozu, Noranti and me (Chiana) went shopping. Not the drad kind of shopping, though. We had to visit this totally frelled commerce settlement and buy a sensor distorter for Moya. That's a device that makes Moya look like a harmless ore freighter to anyone scanning her.
The dealers who could make the distorter tried to frell us on the deal, of course and the one in charge, Rekka, was really rude when I offered him some extra attention. But we were still too smart for 'em (we live with Rygel, after all). They said they'd bring the distorter to our Transport Pod in four arns.
Terrific. Four arns for us to get into trouble. Didn't even take us four microts.
First, I followed our dealer-friends to make sure they didn't take our money and give us a pile of dren. I lost track of 'em when they went into a spa, so I went in myself. (Nothing like blezzing out with a massage and calling it work.) The problem was, this spa also sold genetic transformations, which make clients look like somebody else, right down to their DNA. Rekka could've changed his face to look like anyone.
Meanwhile, Aeryn, Sikozu and Noranti had seen Grayza, Braca and some Peacekeeper deenals arriving on the planetoid followed by a batch of Scarrans and Charrids. Know what was tinked about that? None of 'em were after us. They were having a secret meeting with each other. Tinked.
While Aeryn and Sikozu spied on the meeting, they sent Noranti to tell me the news. When we realized the Peacekeepers had started asking around looking for us, I was really glad we were in a spa that sold appearance changes....
While we were doing that, Aeryn and Sikozu were watching Grayza get cozy with Ahkna, the Scarran War Minister. Basically, that tralk Grayza offered to sell out the Luxan homeworlds to the Scarrans. In exchange, she wanted a peace treaty and the Uncharted Territories. Ahkna seemed tempted to accept, even though she wanted to discuss the PKs' wormhole weapons, too. If these two closed a deal, they'd both get all kinds of power, and the rest of the universe would get frelled.
Anyway, pretty soon Noranti and I looked totally different, thanks to our transformations. We passed the PK scans, and went to find Aeryn and Sikozu.
Aeryn wanted to assassinate both leaders, but she couldn't get a shot before a PK guard found her and Sikozu. By the time they'd blasted him, it was too late: Ahkna and Grayza had already signed the treaty. But it was a trap. Ahkna's guards started shooting, and Ahkna captured Grayza and Braca.
We knew that if we let Ahkna interrogate Grayza, the Scarrans would learn that there are no Peacekeeper wormhole weapons. This would be great news for the Scarrans, who would invade and conquer the Peacekeepers. But it'd be awful for us. So we had to rescue the tralk.
My job was to go meet the dealers at our Transport Pod. If we freed Grayza, we'd need a quick getaway and the sensor distorter, which is what we'd come for in the first place and paid good crindars for. Unfortunately, Rekka didn't recognize me with my new look; that cost me a few bruises. Finally he kissed me, which grossed him out just like it had before. (Can I help it if the grislak has no taste?) I got the sensor distorter just in time.
Noranti and Sikozu came rushing back; Aeryn had stayed behind to cover their retreat. They'd freed Grayza, but she'd escaped with Braca. We were getting really worried that Aeryn had been captured then she scrambled in and told us to make a run for it. We still had to outrun the Scarran ships, but at least we were all safely back together.
Or so we'd thought... .
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Raelee Hill
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Melissa Jaffer
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Rebecca Riggs
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David Franklin
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Capt. Braca
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Francesca Buller
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John Pasvolsky
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Peter Lamb
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Peter Fenton
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Olivia Pigeot
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Carleton Eastlake
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Rowan Woods