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It is hard to guess what Braca's true nature might be: His personality is hidden beneath his commitment to the Peacekeepers. While he served as a lieutenant under Captain Bialar Crais, he conformed utterly to Crais' expectations — until Crais fell out of favor with High Command. Then Braca smoothly switched his allegiance to Scorpius ("Family Ties"). Thus, instead of being dragged down with Crais, Lieutenant Braca became Scorpius' second-in-command.

Apparently, Braca will do anything to advance his career. During negotiations with D'Argo and Rygel for the Moya crew's safe passage aboard Scorpius' Command Carrier, Braca stoically endured pain and humiliation to further Scorpius' ends. ("I-Yensch, You-Yensch") Braca apparently considers his superiors' trust and favor to be more important than his own dignity or comfort.

Now that Scorpius has also fallen from favor, Braca has transferred his loyalty once again. He currently serves Commandant Mele-On Grayza, who has promoted him to the rank of Captain. ("What Was Lost, Part 1: Sacrifice") Braca undoubtedly would defend all his defections by saying they were motivated by a higher duty to his Peacekeeper values and ideals — as Crais said, Braca is "a consummate Peacekeeper." Whether that's actually a compliment lies in the eye of the beholder.
