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Lifeform Encounters


Namtar was, in my opinion, the most evil being we have yet encountered. [ NAMTAR ] He was the test subject in a series of experiments designed to combine traits of different species in an effort to engineer a "superior being." But as Namtar endured more such modifications, his abilities eventually exceeded the control of those who made them. He took over the lab, turning the scientists into his servants, and began his quest to steal genetic traits from multiple species in order to make himself "more perfect."

By the time we encountered Namtar, he had built a genetic "map" of the galaxy, and was able to tell by testing a person's DNA where their homeworld was located. He offered this precious knowledge to the crew, for a price: one of my arms. Crichton and Aeryn opposed his demand, but Rygel, Zhaan and D'Argo would not be denied. ... Once he had my arm, he injected my DNA into Aeryn Sun, transforming her into his unwilling test subject. To Namtar, she was nothing more than an expendable resource. Thankfully, Crichton found an ally who helped him rescue Officer Sun and return Namtar to his original state — as a rodent.

I am still so discomfited by the entire episode that I can say little more. What he did to Officer Sun — as well as the desperation he brought out in Zhaan, D'Argo, and Rygel — troubles me to such a great extent that I actually find myself hoping that his torment in the lab of horrors he created continues without end.

I am ashamed to harbor such feelings, as it is difficult for me to bear ill will toward any sentient creature, yet I cannot help taking pleasure in Namtar's fate. My revulsion toward his behavior is only slightly mitigated by the fact that his actions have inadvertently increased the unusual bond of empathy that Officer Sun and I share.


DNA Mad Scientist