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Lifeform Encounters


Kaarvok was a criminally insane prisoner of the Peacekeepers, who were transporting him aboard a collared Leviathan. [ KAARVOK ] The ship was attacked by Scarrans, and, in the confusion that followed, Kaarvok, a tall, powerful, Sebaceanoid man, escaped and took control of the vessel.

Demonstrating his technological genius, he produced a device that "twinned" living beings, creating two exact duplicates of the original lifeform. With this device, he began twinning his PK prisoners, keeping one duplicate alive for future use while devouring the brain of the other. After being duplicated multiple times, the former Peacekeepers deteriorated into mere beasts. Kaarvok named them the Xarai, and allowed them to feast upon the walls of the living ship. Neural tissue being his favorite form of sustenance, Kaarvok lived like a contented farmer with his minions aboard the dying Leviathan.

Tragically, I'm not finished cataloguing Kaarvok's evil acts; his Leviathan, Rovhu, of course, had a Pilot. Cruelly exploiting my species' ability to regenerate our limbs, Kaarvok cut off that Pilot's arms and fed them to the Xarai. When the Pilot's arms grew back, Kaarvok would sever them again. Crichton told me that, after so much suffering, the other Pilot was barely lucid and craved the release of death.

Kaarvok was maniacal, sadistic and dangerously smart. The universe is well rid of him.


Eat Me