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Lifeform Encounters
Lifeform Encounters


Though they are my beloved Moya's gods, I know very little about the Builders — merely a bit of widely known history and a fragment of personal experience. [ BUILDERS ] Perhaps it is that way with deities throughout the galaxy.

The Builders, an ancient and powerful race, originally constructed Leviathans to be ordinary, biomechanical ships. Later, the Builders gave Leviathans sentience — in essence, souls — and the ability to reproduce independently. The Builders then set free this new species of gentle, spacefaring giants.

Leviathans still retain an intense, worshipful loyalty to their makers. Zhaan and I learned this all too well when Moya was summoned into the presence of one of the Builders, Kahaynu. Moya obeyed eagerly, but our excitement at meeting this mysterious being vanished when he insisted that Moya decommission herself. Kahaynu explained that the Builders had never intended their creations to be used for violence; because Moya had shown herself capable of giving birth to a gunship — namely, her son, Talyn — she must not be allowed to live.

I found myself unable to argue with Moya's resolute, peaceful acquiescence to this order. Zhaan was not nearly so incapacitated, but we both soon learned what Moya already knew: that the Builder would prevail, and that the outcome would not be so terrible as we feared.


Look at the Princess, Part 3: The Maltese Crichton (Pilot's entry)