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Lifeform Encounters


I am unsure to what species Natira belongs, because I have never seen her. [ NATIRA ] Crichton describes her as a lithe, blue-gray creature with clawed, prehensile tentacles crowning her head.

As the owner of a Shadow Depository — an illicit bank — she wielded great power and had many influential friends. During our assault on her Depository, we discovered that Scorpius himself not only had valuables in storage there, but was also an old acquaintance of Natira's. We are unsure of the history behind this relationship, but it is undeniable that the two have shared a long and complex association.

I get the sense, however, that Natira takes more pleasure in evildoing than does Scorpius. How could I say otherwise about a creature whose favorite pastime seems to be extracting the eyes of her living victims?

Furthermore, Natira does not entirely trust her long-time ally. She admitted to Crichton that Scorpius would likely kill her when she ceased to be useful. In the end, she chose pragmatism over loyalty, abandoning Scorpius in favor of her personal safety.

Natira disappeared when her Depository fell. Crichton, whose feeble human eyes nearly fell prey to Natira's appetites, would not be upset if we could prove conclusively that she died there.


Liars, Guns and Money, Part 1: A Not So Simple Plan

Liars, Guns and Money, Part 2: With Friends Like These

Liars, Guns and Money, Part 3: Plan B