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Lifeform Encounters


Despite all I have seen in my travels with Moya, I must confess that Maldis strains my comprehension. [ MALDIS ] He is, apparently, a truly magical being — a sorcerer — and an evil one at that. He gains power by feeding on the fear of his victims. Whether due to sadism or just the pleasure of a nourishing meal, he loves witnessing the terror and suffering of others.

He has a variety of amazing abilities. He can magically create objects at will, as well as entire supernatural realms. He can pull people, either physically or spiritually, into those realms. He also is capable of manifesting in a variety of different incarnations; most of his forms we have seen have been Sebaceanoid in general appearance.

Our first encounter with Maldis began when the sorcerer seized Crichton, pulling him and Captain Crais into a dark, otherworldly maze. Maldis planned to feed off the two enemies' fear and rage as they hunted one another. Zhaan was able to foil this plan, calling on her mystical powers to effect Maldis' dispersal. Her victory, however, was not without spiritual cost.

Maldis sought us out a second time, both for revenge and in hopes of regaining enough power to restore his corporeal form. To do that, he needed to induce a deadly amount of fear in the crew — most especially in his nemesis, Zhaan. He nearly succeeded.


That Old Black Magic

Picture If You Will