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Lifeform Encounters
Lifeform Encounters


I am curious to learn more about Boolites. At the time of our encounter with one, it was not in a condition to be interviewed, and Moya's data stores were disappointingly vague on the subject of these extremely fascinating organisms.

Boolites contain higher concentrations of metal than most forms of life. Unfortunately, the Boolite we encountered had been struck by a Peacekeeper weapon designed to dissolve metallic bonds. Consequently, this Boolite arrived on Moya in countless splattered pieces. Incredibly, though, Boolite body parts can survive independently in this manner for up to half a cycle — and, once assembled in roughly the correct configuration, they can heal themselves. Boolites are even capable of sentient thought with only part of this assembly complete; they can articulate ideas even with half their brains missing. Any information in the missing neural tissue remains lost to the Boolite, however, until that particular piece of brain matter is recovered.

Though we would have helped this creature anyway out of compassion, we were desperate to assemble this particular Boolite so that it could tell us the vital information it knew. Crais had even heard that Boolites had excellent memories for detail and direction, meaning that perhaps it could give us the navigational advice we seem to require perpetually. Sadly, though this Boolite recovered enough to speak, it was not destined to survive long enough to help us.

