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Lifeform Encounters


While Moya and I find Sikozu herself irritating, we must admit that her Kalish physiology is fascinating.

As Sikozu is proud of stating, Kalish bodies are highly efficient. For example, they need to eat only 10 times per cycle. At these meals, they gorge on more food than even Rygel could choke down at a single sitting. There follows a period of digestion (which generates an increase in body temperature that Kalish find pleasant). Recharged, Kalish can then ignore all thought of food for many solar days at a time.

Another example of their biological efficiency is their surprising ability to "shift their gravity center," as Sikozu puts it. This talent allows them to walk on walls and even cling upside-down from ceilings and other surfaces. It is an amazing survival skill.

Sikozu seems more immune to allergens then the rest of Moya's crew, and, as a final proof of Kalish efficiency, she can reattach severed limbs and digits to her body. Since joining us, Sikozu has lost a hand and a finger — and she has reattached both with absolutely no surgery, restoring them to normal function usually within arns or a few solar days.

Kalish do have a few physical weaknesses, however. First, their brains cannot tolerate Translator Microbes, which means that Kalish must learn any language they wish to understand. (Fortunately, Sikozu is a very fast learner and has a particular gift for languages.) Second, Kalish are extremely vulnerable to radiation; even a small amount of ion exposure destroys three of their internal organs. Despite these vulnerabilities, I must say that the strengths of Kalish bodies outweigh their few flaws.

According to Sikozu, Kalish culture prioritizes education. Sikozu's great dream as a young Kalish was to learn enough to work for "the Organization," a mysterious but prestigious employer. If Sikozu's traits are any indication, Kalish tend to value intellectualism and pragmatism; they take pride in their "rationality" above all else. Personally, I feel that their rationality has failed them with regard to Leviathans. Moya and I have been insulted by Sikozu's condescension and fundamental lack of respect for us.

The Kalish have lived under Scarran domination for some time, but they don't enjoy it. Most Kalish, according to Sikozu, hate the Scarrans. Unfortunately, they lack the military strength to free themselves from Scarran control and so must endure as best they can.


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