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Lifeform Encounters


Moya and I despise Grudeks. They are murderers.

Most Grudeks earn income by harvesting Leviathan toubray tissue. Horribly, some cultures buy this flesh and consume it, believing that it will improve their higher brain functions.

Grudeks themselves show no signs of higher brain function, although their attacks on Leviathans reflect a certain brutal skill: A Grudek hunting team rams its ship into its target's hull, incapacitating both Leviathan and Pilot. Then they flood the ship with gas to exterminate any living passengers or crew. Only then do they begin their harvest, which must take place while the ship and Pilot are still alive and able to suffer. The process kills the ship eventually, but it is a slow and painful death. The Grudeks don't care. They are interested only in trading flesh for currency.

These thugs are experts with machinery and weapons. They are resilient and physically powerful, and they augment their strength with body armor. They often bring deadly Brindz Hounds with them for protection, and they won't hesitate to kill if they feel threatened. These facts combine to make Grudeks formidable foes on those rare occasions when someone does resist them.

Grudeks are based in or near Scarran space. They rely on Scarran currency and, for all Moya and I know, Scarrans might be among their customers. We would certainly not be surprised if two such cruel species were aligned.


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