The Farscape Development Team
We're Red Lemon, a five-year-old game-development company based in Glasgow, Scotland. Our previous titles include Braveheart on PC, and the PS One titles Aironauts, Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths & Legends and the soon-to-be-released Dexter's Laboratory.
The Farscape team at Red Lemon varies in size from around 12 to 15 people, depending on the stage of development. Those numbers include programmers, 3-D artists, game designers and a producer that's me.
Here are just a few of the guys in the team:
Nigel Kennington is our Lead Designer. He wrote the original game-design document for Farscape: The Game.
Jonty Dawson is our Lead Programmer. He's a very busy person: He works with the programming team to take the design ideas and art we create and make them real.
Ken Cropper is our Technology Manager. As well as being an all-around technology guru, Ken is a key member of the team. He and Jonty Dawson, working together, have developed a fair amount of the technology used to produce the game.
Phil Vaughan is our FMV (Full-Motion Video) Artist. Phil is working on all the game's "cut scenes" (video sequences that are triggered when players reach certain locations or complete predetermined actions in the game), as well as the opening movie that introduces the plot.
Chris McMahon, our Level Designer, is the person who spends his time coming up with the cunning puzzles you players will deal with in the game.
Gareth Hector is the Lead Artist, the one who creates most of the concept art for the weird creatures and environments in the game. Gareth's loving the creative freedom Henson is giving us with the game art.
Dave Stevenson is the person who pulls together the missions that Chris designs. His favourite character in the show has got to be Crichton. As Dave puts it: "I love the way he's so hopeless. He really messes things up, but still gets through in the end!"
Let's just hope Dave doesn't follow in Crichton's footsteps with his coding!
