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Crichton's Notes
Crichton's Notes


The Coreeshi mercenaries who boarded Moya came armed with a variety of weapons, including Reduction Beams. Because my life plays out like a nutty sci-fi movie anyway, let's call these gizmos by their real name: shrink rays.

To activate the rays, the Coreeshi punched a sequence of keys on their wrist-mounted control pads. A little probe would pop out of their armor, point at the victim and shoot a light beam. Zap. I'd estimate that after getting zapped I was about two inches tall. And that's being generous.

On the one hand, I agree with Sikozu: shrinking people shouldn't be possible. If the shrink ray subtracted our body mass to make us smaller, then where did that mass get stored, and why did our brains still function normally? Or, if it reduced all our atoms in size proportionally, then how could we still breath normal air molecules? Then again, I'm no biologist, but I guess that a grasshopper breathes normal-sized air molecules. So maybe it's not as crazy as it sounds.

At any rate, I definitely saw it happen. More to the point, I had it happen to me. So there's no question in my mind that reduction technology exists — I just have no idea how or why it works.


I Shrink, Therefore I Am