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Lifeform Encounters
Lifeform Encounters


Khurtanan is a planet deep in the midst of Tormented Space. Its paranoid, misogynistic culture reflects its isolated, dangerous location.

Citizens of Khurtanan must have suffered horribly long ago from Space Madness (a mysterious neurological ailment), enough to permanently scar their cultural memory. Even though there hasn't been a true case of the disease in many cycles, the planet still fears it. A doctor must certify all newcomers to be free of Space Madness before they may interact with Khurtanan's population in any way. If authorities suspect a person of having the disease, that person is quickly exterminated.

Khurtanan's women are severely oppressed. They are allowed only a limited range of employment choices — all of them designed to serve men in one way or another. For example, they may work as receptionists in the service of men, or as professional providers of pleasure, but they are not allowed to be starship mechanics.

Many women rebel against this rule and disguise themselves as men to procure the jobs they want. They risk death if discovered, so a secretive system has evolved to assign new identities to women in danger of being discovered in a forbidden occupation.

Having failed to win their rights through peaceful means, a militant group of women is planning a major revolution on Khurtanan. The early phases of this uprising have involved acts of covert assassination by poisoning, using Qatal Mollusks. Unfortunately, these violent reformers are as paranoid as their male counterparts. This might be their undoing; their fear of outsiders prevented them from accepting Officer Sun's help. I'm sure I don't need to explain that Aeryn could have given them a great deal of much-needed assistance.


Coup by Clam