Those who wish to rant about
Sci-Fi's decision to cancel & other stuff.
Tell us how you feel!
Rant: Sci-Fi's decision to prematurely end the life of the show Farscape hit me so hard. I hate the fact that they use poor excuses for ending it. Here it is they had a contract that stated a 5th season. Yet they backed out of it with a stupid ratings excuse. And now the end (last episode) has come for those in the UK, the last episode has aired. We are next! :( After it airs for us, it's officially over. NO More New Farscape Episodes :( (cries). And from what I heard, the show ends disastrously. |
To submit a rant that you would like placed on this page, email me (Scorpwanna) with the following format as your Subject and Message.
Subject: Scaper Rant
Message:Your Name/Scaper Nickname
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