From the SCIFI Farscape chatroom - September 11, 2002 approx. 5:30PM EST

<Ploppy> Great article by Mat Roushe in TV guide online - I wonder if that will make the print version?
<Barbarella> ok Anth you have the floor man
<Barbarella> :)
<Barbarella> dazzel em
<Barbarella> hehehe
<Ploppy> No I didn't get to keep the blade - or anything else. That's understandable though and normal practice.
<Barbarella> know if it had been me I would have hidden it and run
<Barbarella> :)
<Barbarella> taken off with it
<Ploppy> I started ADR again yesterday on my big ep for season 4. It was sad.
<Ploppy> ADR has moved back to Fox studios so images of season 1 came flooding back
<Ploppy> Boy has my life changed in 4 years. I couldn't believe it!!!
<Barbarella> Oh one thing you might be interested Anth we got something in TV Guide
<Barbarella> check that out when you get the chance
<Ploppy> I must say once again thank you so much for all your efforts. We are watching your efforts and are overwhelmed by your love and kindeness
<Ploppy> I think that if you keep it up something MAY happen. All I know is that people OS are suprised by the vehemance of the fan response - so your work is having an impact!!
<Ploppy> Who knows what that will lead to but here's hoping!!!
<Barbarella> well we're gonna rock their foundations
<Ploppy> I cleaned out my D'Argo room yesterday and found dome cool stuff - the original stencil for my tattoos, polaroids of the first make-up test etc
<Ploppy> I also found a wonderful Rygel bust made by Johhny (the first Rygel puppeteer), whcih made me sad
<Ploppy> I also found a wonderful Rygel bust made by Johhny (the first Rygel puppeteer), whcih made me sad
<Ploppy> So I'm auditioning for things each day, as are everyone else here, it looks like we've each got little jobs coming up which is great
<Ploppy> I'm doing a sci fi short at the AFTRS and a very tiny role in four tele films. Yep as a cop. Welcome back to the Australian reality cops and doctors!! I'm then doingf a play and I'm then doing some lecturing
<Barbarella> wow the call has been sent
<Ploppy> What call is that Barb?
<Barbarella> do they let you carry a night stick..not as effective as the Luxan Lick but well...nightsticks are good too...good cop or bad cop
<Barbarella> the people all the people joining
<Barbarella> its only 4PM here and its close to 400 people
<Ploppy> I'm talking TINY TINY role
<Ploppy> Maybe we could open up some questions. As you can see I'm a slow typer and I can't look at the screen when I type so I'm sorry if I miss something
<Barbarella> hey wanna field a question or 2?
<Barbarella> people don't flood me nice...I don't wanna die
<Barbarella> heheheh
<Barbarella> <ostentatious> Anth mentions some memorabilia he's found cleaning out his dressing room. Has he (or anyone else) considered donating that sort of thing to be auctioned for any of our Save Farscape funds?
<Ploppy> The key to keeping the cast happening is conventions. I was talking to other cast members and the only way we are going to be able to reject long term job offers (which we want to do in case we can ressurect Farscape) is to pay our rent through conventions. So a part of saving the show is about lobbying convention organisers to book Farscape people!!!!!
<Barbarella> believe me the scapers will keep cons alive and request you guys
<Barbarella> we'll do all we can to take up your time
<Barbarella> hehehe
<Ploppy> We don't own anything that is Farscape. Once found it has to be returned to production. So I have no power to donate anything. So sorry. I can give you 100% of what is mine though - my effforts thanks and appreciation
<Ploppy> ga
<Barbarella> wastelandgraphics> question- where do you get your motivation for your more serious scenes?
<Ploppy> I love taking D'Argo through the emnotional spectrum. Make-up characters are harder to get there when things are intimate because the make-up can distance
<Barbarella> I can't imagine wearing looks so...heavy
<Barbarella> well I think his nickname says it all
<Ploppy> people. I always search for all my moments as a character in the person oposite me. Their eyes will hold all that you need. This also stops you being indulgent
<Ploppy> ga
<Barbarella> <UnchartedTerritoriesDRD> WHEN we save FarScape will you drop everything & come back?
<Barbarella> I couldn't resist
<Ploppy> I can only do what I can legally do. You musn't interprate this as anything. Realise that we are normal people with normal commitments. If I don't work my mortgage doesn't get paid - and that's the same for everyone. We're not movie stars - we're jobbing actors. THis is why I mention conventions - get on to it!!
<Barbarella> we're there man we're everywhere...and growing everyday
<Ploppy> Of course we will all do EVERYTHING we can to be bak in this world. It's not just a job it
<Ploppy> 's been like family. ga
<Barbarella> <LeNnA> Anth, we (spanish scapers) would like to see you here, in Spain, there's some posibility¿?
<Ploppy> Only if someone is having a con and invites me - WOW I would LOVE to go to Spain!!!!!!
<Ploppy> ga
<Barbarella> <RedEyeMambo> will we get a chance to see you on any American TV/Film in the near future?
<Ploppy> I doubt it. I wish but I doubt it. I am probably the only cast member without an American agent. (This is my choice)
<Ploppy> ga
<Barbarella> <Gi-Smeghead> do people reconigize him as Dargo when he is not in make up
<Ploppy> Never!!!! My life is very anonimous. ga
<Barbarella> <LoneFerret> What will be your greastest memory from working on the show?
<Ploppy> boy my tyoing and spelling are crap!!
<Ploppy> Ben's last speech on the final day was heart breaking. ga
<Barbarella> JadesHand> Ploppy - have you ever considered coming to Hollywood and trying your luck there?
<Barbarella> sorry lots of Pm's to sort thru
<Ploppy> (Please indulge me by allowing my patriotism here) It was amazing to hear how much the Australian character had infultrated Ben's life and it was a wonderful way fopr me to rediscover my love for this beautiful and exciting city
<Ploppy> His absolute dismay at leaving Sydney was incredible
<Ploppy> "I vow I will NEVER be taken prisoner again" NEVER SAY DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Scapers never give up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<Barbarella> OH ya our call to arms
<Ploppy> As those of you who met me at con's know from meeting me I'm probably not very hollywood - Too much of the Aussie bush in me
<Ploppy> "John Quixote" was cool. It was great to shoot because so many old friends were able to come back and play
<Ploppy> ga
<Barbarella> <PKAerynSun1> A question I've always wanted to ask: what was it like preparing for a role of an alien character? if that's not too goofy to ask? :-D
<Ploppy> Not at all!!! It was difficult. I feel D''Argo arrived season 2. This was because we ironed out lot's of the suit problems by then so I could concentrate on my job more than my physical discomfort
<Ploppy> ga
<Barbarella> <Xhorder> Question to Anth: What were your expectations for Farscape when you got the role? Did you think it would become as popular as it is right now?
<Ploppy> It's hard for us to guage its poularity even now becasue we were axed in Oz. ga
<Barbarella> <SunSpecOps> You've said that we've made an impact over there.. can you tell us how the buzz has changed between friday and now and what you personally feel our chances are if we continue the same amount of pressure over the next little while?
<Ploppy> The fact that people watch it is almost surreal because peole here have either never heard of it or know it as a show that failed
<Ploppy> No cast member is in the suits loop so it really is impossible for me to answer. My own guess is that polite fan pressure can work - keep it up - never say die. ga
<Barbarella> alot of people are asking what your favorite prop or gadget is from the show?
<Ploppy> Definitly "Mr Sparky" this was the big in camera firing gun - it rocked!!
<Ploppy> ga
<Barbarella> <KalanaKatana> Hi, Mr. Simcoe. A little shameless heroworshipping here. I love D'Argo. Is he hard to play or is he very much like you? :)
<Barbarella> <HaMm3rEd> Anthony, do you have an estimate as to how long we have before the cast gets committed to other projects, in case it takes time to get the show renewed.
<Ploppy> You wouldn't htink it from meeting me I guess but in many ways he is me - that's how close I feel. I especially relate to his feelings of not being wjere he should be and tha if
<Barbarella> <Ravenwing> For Ploppy, how do you feel that D'Argo has grown as a character from his introduction through the fourth season?
<Ploppy> Everyones looking for work right now!! Don't allow that to worry you. That's life. Any Farscape pick-up, no matter what time frame, will have to deal with that
<Ploppy> Fourth season finally allows the Macton stuff to resolve - if you love D'Argo this ep will now be his swan song ( I think it's 15). ga
<Barbarella> <Tudorf> If you have spoken with any of the other cast members lately, has there been any meantion of the efforts that are going on here on the Internet to save the show, and what kind of reactions have they had in knowing how many fans out there truely care?
<Ploppy> YES!!!!! We are all talking about it and we are AMAZED and SO greatful and humbled. As I said yesterday, even if your efforts don't win us the show they win you our hearts and gratitiude forever
<Ploppy> ga
<Ploppy> woops spelling hell - sorry about that
<Ploppy> ga
<Barbarella> no worries we all ready typo
<Barbarella> :)
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<Barbarella> oh oops read
<Barbarella> <Tudorf> If you have spoken with any of the other cast members lately, has there been any meantion of the efforts that are going on here on the Internet to save the show, and what kind of reactions have they had in knowing how many fans out there truely care?
<Barbarella> oops
<Barbarella> sorry repeat
<Barbarella> ignore that I'm being swamped with PM's
<Ploppy> You're doing an AMAZING job Barb - what a legend!!!!!!!!
<Barbarella> there is one thing alot of people are asking...about the sets?...what's up with them...are they dismantled yet or is there any new developements?
<Ploppy> As fara as I know theuy're coming down as we speak
<Ploppy> ga
<Barbarella> <Jenni> When we save farscape, :::wink::: any thought at writing an ep yourself?
<Ploppy> Sets can always be rebuilt - Moya would have had to be rebuilt anyway - it's life span was almost up.
<Ploppy> No I'm not a writer
<Ploppy> Can't you tell from my typing!!!
<Ploppy> ga
<Barbarella> hehehe
<Barbarella> <SalmonCanyon> Anthony, i'd really like to know what your highlight has been over the four seasons, whats your favourite farscape moment?
<Ploppy> Another great moment was seeing Namtar for the first time. It still remains my favourite thing the creature shop did. It also came out at the same time as Episode 1 and I thoiught to myslef "wow. This stuff is so much better!! How special"
<Ploppy> ga
<Barbarella> Ok here's another one I'm getting alot of what are your feelings about another network picking up Farscape? Although with all the scapers out there we KNOW scifi will be airing season 5
<Ploppy> As I understand it (don't take this as gospel I'm really not the person to ask that sort of stuff) it's difficult for another network to pick-up because sci fi will hold the back catalogue
<Ploppy> ga
<Ploppy> ga
<Barbarella> <Harmon> Anthony, in "Out of Their Minds" and "Unrealised Reality" you all had the chance to 'jump' to each others skins. How was it for you?
<Ploppy> You guys will know more about that than me in fact
<Barbarella> <Cush> HI Anth, whats been the reaction from Guest Stars and Recurring Characters, for example Tamm Macintosh?
<Ploppy> Incredible becaseu during "Out of ...) I was rushed from set to hospital an nearly died. No exageration. So when I think of those eps I only think of that scare
<Ploppy> ga
<Barbarella> oops I think I'm jumping ahead..hehe...I'll repeat it
<Barbarella> <Cush> HI Anth, whats been the reaction from Guest Stars and Recurring Characters, for example Tamm Macintosh? (regarding the cancelation)
<Ploppy> Reaction from whom? We love Tam. In fact Tam and I are old mates - we used to flat together years ago
<Ploppy> ga
<Barbarella> <QuietI> If we were going on a pub crawl, what would you be drinking? When can we go?
<Barbarella> hehehe
<Barbarella> you know I can't resist a good round of beer
<Ploppy> Aah cancelation!! Tam called me tha day it happened adn left the most gorgeous message on my answering machine - It made me cry I have to admit. She said it was the most special show she'd ever been on
<Ploppy> I'd be drinking carlton crown
<Ploppy> ga
<Barbarella> Alot of people are asking how's your band and are you doing gig's right now?
<Ploppy> Our band rocks. Can't wait to play for the scapers in LA. We only do originals so I'm afraid you won't know the songs but I hope you will like them any way. We are a rock band so expect some noise. (We aren't heavy metal. Think...uuhm. Matchbox 20? I don't know hard to say)
<Ploppy> We're hoping to start doing our first gigs around Sydney this month. Im so excited and nervousat the same time
<Ploppy> ga
<Barbarella> <sierraleone> Hello Anthony. From Canada here and haven't seen seasons three and four yet :) Very much looking forward to them though :) Which relationship of D'argo's do you enjoy/like the most?
<Ploppy> "D'Argo's girlfriend" from season 1 ep 6 rocked!!!! ;-) but of course Chianna presented D'Argo with the most interesting stuff
<Ploppy> ga
<Ploppy> Oh my god - I have to go soon I'm sorry
<Barbarella> <squishy> to ploppy, were you ever tempted to go back to the set after filming, and pretend to fly one of the ships? southern california loves you!
<Ploppy> ga
<Barbarella> I had to ask that one cause frankly I think I would do it myself
<Barbarella> hehehe
<Ploppy> I'm always mucking around like that. When I was a kid my favourite toy was my Hoth battle set. My life has been like having my very own life size battle set - it
<Ploppy> 's been awesome!!!!!!!!!!!
<Ploppy> Last q ga
<Barbarella> <indyraven> Hello Anthony from Indiana! :) My son Christophor would like to know; how tall is Dargo?
<Ploppy> I'm about 6'5 and D'Argo is about 7'2
<Barbarella> First I wanna say how awesome you guys are for showing your support to us and helping us to keep the flames buring here at Save Farsape Command...YOU GUYS ROCK!!!
<Barbarella> thanks so much
<Barbarella> and now the moment you've been waiting for...we'll open the flood gates and let the wellwishes and love flow