*** Moderator sets mode: +m
<Moderator> OK, we're now moderated.
<Moderator> As you've noticed, you can no longer talk out
<Moderator> Don't panic, this is perfectly normal.
<Moderator> Ben will be here any second.
*** Ben has joined #auditorium
<Moderator> If you have a questions for him, send it to me
as a private message.
<Moderator> I'll begin collecting questions momentarily.
<Moderator> If you're having trouble with anything, talk to
<Moderator> Wave hi, Bouncer.
* Bouncer waves hi, grunts
<Moderator> There you go.
*** Moderator sets mode: +v Ben
<Ben> oh thank god
<Moderator> Welcome Mr. Browder!
<Ben> thought I'd never get in here
<Moderator> Standing room only tonight for sure.
<Ben> Happy Birthday SACC
<Ben> thanks Oboe
<Moderator> So, anything on your mind today or should we
just let loose with the questions?
<Ben> Let's get started
<Moderator> <Jedi-Aeryn> to <Moderator>: In the
Episode "Out of Their Minds", you got to act the roles of Aeryn and
Rigel as well as your usual. What was
that like and did you enjoy it?
<Ben> That episode was tremendous fun and very scary for the
whole cast
<Ben> what was fascinating was collorborating with the
others on how to play them
<Ben> we would turn to each other and say...
<Ben> what would yould you do here?
<Ben> how would you stand?
<Ben> any improv ideas?
<Ben> fascinating.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> modertor to enthusiastic audience: slow down!
<Moderator> we resume...
<Moderator> <Gmmas> to <Moderator>: Ben: can you
tell us how you decided on the accent you used for the most evolved Crichton in
My Three Crichtons?
<Ben> Good question!
* Bouncer Bouncer casts baleful glances on abject crowd
<Ben> one... I was worried about the conversations between
JC and Futuro sounding too alike.
<Ben> and two... can anyone say BILL CLINTON
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <Trilliumgrl> to <Moderator>: Ben-
any thoughts on your costars getting the "Sexy Women of SciFi" TV
Guide covers?
<Ben> Fantastic.
<Ben> I want copies!
<Moderator> For those who haven't seen 'em, check out Gigi,
Virginia and Claudia on covers of this week's TV Guide, or visit
<Ben> It is soooo nice to see Farscape in the mainstream
<Ben> and if I was gonna buy a TV guide for "sexy"
<Ben> those girls are the GO.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <Epona> to <Moderator>: Greetings
from Nashville! Tell me, how many takes
did you and Anthony need to do that "seduction" scene in OOTM before
you could do it with straight faces?
And how much would you charge for the outtake reel from that scene?
<Ben> I have burned all out takes
<Ben> I was pissing myself all through the rehearsals
<Ben> But for the sake of NOT having to put ourselves
through TOO many takes... Anth and I held it together for the shooting
<Ben> Ian Watson however seemed to need a LOT of coverage.
<Ben> But maybe even ONE take seemed like a lot for me.
<Ben> And Anth just kept on wanting to do it AGAIN.
<Ben> ... sorry Anth
<Ben> GA
<Moderator> <Psyrix> to <Moderator>: Are you
looking forward to the Farscape convention August 5th?
<Ben> Fear
* Ben trembles at the thought
<Ben> Actually.. i'm chompin at the bit to see what the
whole thing is about.
<Ben> And I look forward to hearing face to face what
viewers think and feel about the show.
<Ben> Bring on AUGUST.
<Ben> ga
* Bouncer yearns to crush flooders
<Moderator> <Maugwai> to <Moderator>: As an NC
native, I have to ask: Are those "Southern metaphors" yours or does
someone else write them? Because they're priceless.
<Ben> I get my "southern Metaphors" from my DAD.
<Ben> counrty boys have all the really good ones.
<Ben> I can only assume the writers are in contact with my
Dad or they are channeling my Grandfather.
<Ben> Country boys... bad spellier
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <Tahji> to <Moderator>: A makeup
question for you Ben! ;) What was it like to put all that makeup on
for MTC? Did Gigi, Anth, and Virginia
give you any pointers?
<Ben> Sit still and shit up!
<Ben> very hard advice for me to follow
<Moderator> "shut up," right?
<Moderator> (we'll edit that one in post)
* Ben walks away from the keyboard
<Ben> that's aussie slang
<Ben> I'm getting sooo foul mouthed
<Ben> sorry MOM
<Ben> serious wrap on the knuckles for me when I get to
<Ben> The wearing of Prosthetics is a liberating experience
<Ben> in fact I haven't stopped cussing since
<Ben> most of Neandro had to be edited out for obscenities
<Ben> I loved having the freedom to crawl around on the
floor with Chiana
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <Scapegrace> to <Moderator>: Hi,
Ben. Do you find yourself using
Farscape swear-words in the rest of your life?
(I know some fans who do.)
<Ben> I've slipped... I admit it
<Ben> Yotz is just so frelling useful
<Ben> dren.. it happens all the time.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <Solanio> to <Moderator>: Tee - Any
plans to travel to Europe to support the fans in the U.K and such?
<Ben> I hope to get to The UK next year.
<Ben> I still have friends and Family there that I want to
<Ben> But the time this year is just too limited... this
year... AMERICA.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <ThatsMeDRD> to <Moderator>: Have
you seen the new toys for the show?
<Ben> Not yet.
<Ben> Gotta get one!
<Ben> or two!
<Ben> Blows my mind that they even exist.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <PhantomComputer> to <Moderator>:
Welcome, Mr. Browder... In Look At the Princess, part 1, was that your little
boy in a cameo as the holo-child? If
not, it was very convincing. Did you draw on your experience as a father for
inspiration in that scene?
<Ben> My kids are off topic. no offense I hope.
<Ben> But I vividly remember holding my children and seeing
my children for the first time
<Ben> It is an Awe inspiring event.
<Ben> words fail me.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> No offense.
But a large number of viewers were so moved by that scene that they
wondered if the young actor had a personal connection to you.
<Ben> Well... he was very cute.
<Ben> and Funny
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <AutumnH> to <Moderator>: Hiya Ben,
have you seen all of the Farscape trading cards (other than the ones you
signed) yet, and what do you think of being traded like the big leaguers?
<Ben> I have a Claudia Black signed card... ant takers.
<Ben> I've only seen a few of the cards.
<Ben> You guys know and have sooo much more FARSCAPE than I
<Ben> cept I have the Calvins that Aeryn wore in RIB. hehehehhe
<Ben> now we are talkin MONEY!
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <WarriorWoman> to <Moderator>: So
was it fun kissing all of those women in "Look at the Princess" and
what did your wife think about that?
<Ben> uh...
<Ben> uh...
<Ben> no?
<Ben> My wife came to visit that DAY!!!!
<Ben> wench.
<Ben> so I had a TERRIBLE time.
<Ben> what kinda question WAS THAT?
<Ben> duh...
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> well, if you need any stand-ins for future
kissing scenes, I've got a chat room full of 'em for you.
<Moderator> <jedikatie> to <Moderator>: Can you
give us any hints about what we can look forward to coming up later in the
<Ben> people die
<Ben> peole kiss
<Ben> damn!!!!!!
<Ben> p
<Ben> e
<Ben> o
<Ben> p
<Ben> l
<Ben> e
<Ben> whew
<Ben> it's wicked the remainder of season two
<Ben> and the CLIFF HANGER...
<Ben> OH
<Ben> MY
<Ben> GOD
<Ben> .
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <Jonte> to <Moderator>: Just
finnished season one here in Sweden, do you know how widespread Farscape is on
this planet?
<Ben> Nope
<Ben> it's not on here in OZ again
<Ben> but i hear the German's have bought it.
<Ben> Ich heise john Crichton!
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <MarylandJKoba> to <Moderator>: As
the singular Yankee on the cast, I can ask you ... what on Erf is the Aussies'
problem, cancelling Farscape?
<Ben> YANKEE!!!!!
<Moderator> (looks like the South is rising as we speak...)
<Ben> would you like to rephrase that question?
<Ben> I will wait.
<Ben> I'm waiting
<Moderator> <MarylandJKoba> to <Moderator>:
Sorry, Ben!
* Ben hums DIXIE
<Moderator> MJK, you better come up with a rephrase...
<Moderator> (no pressure or anything)
<Ben> make it good
<Moderator> <MarylandJKoba> to <Moderator>: As
the fine Southern gentleman, I can ask you ... what on Erf is the Ozzies'
problem, cancelling Farscape?
<Ben> Alright... AS
a gentleman I can't really comment
<Ben> they say we will be back on later.
<Ben> In the meantime I will be shining my conferate musket
and be preparing to TAKE Nine.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <FarDareisMai> to <Moderator>: Ben:
we just heard John say something about his sisters, will we learn more about
him and his past, or any of the other character's pasts?
<Ben> Of course we will
<Ben> but the when, where, and what of those things I am
contractually unable to comment on.
<Ben> Frelling sucks... no?
<Moderator> I'm not.
<Moderator> Should I hint?
<Ben> gotta do something about my mouth.
<Ben> sorry
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> when I say we truly appreciate your
"buff" physical condition.
What do you do to stay soooo fit?
<Moderator> ooops
<Moderator> take 2:
<Moderator> <Melinda-B> to <Moderator>: I
believe I can speak for all female Farscape fans when I say we truly appreciate
your "buff" physical condition.
What do you do to stay soooo fit?
<Ben> oh my
<Ben> I have to admit.
<Ben> I do not work out.
<Ben> I hate GYMS.
<Ben> there goes my BALLY'S endorsment.
<Ben> Surfing
<Ben> not the web... the OCEAN.
<Ben> That's my get fit regime... and I highly reccomend it.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <Rhi-Aeryn> to <Moderator>: Hey
Ben. I just have to know...How do you
like the leather PK pants. I sure do!
<Ben> Well...
<Ben> they're hot.
<Ben> literally.
<Ben> They look fine I guess... but I do feel a bit of a
pranny walking around in Black leather in the height of summer.
<Ben> CB looks better.. IMHO.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> more wardrobe questions:
<Moderator> <Enigmatic-Scully> to <Moderator>:
Hey Ben, this is something thats been bugging me, your new boots, what brand
are they? Are they Dr.Martens? They sure look like em!
<Ben> They are standard ten-hole PK issue.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <DJWolfe> to <Moderator>: Hi, Ben.
You can be on my radio show any time. In the first segment of "Look at the
Princess", when you walked in on Chiana and D'Argo the second time, it
didn't look like Gigi was wearing anything resembling a top. Was this reality
or television magic?
<Ben> It was MAGIC... if you know what I mean.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <Boo-Bru> to <Moderator>: OK,
greetings from the UK! Are there any scenes that made you crack up so you had
to stop shooting?
<Ben> You mean laughing or a nervous breakdown?
<Ben> Both.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <Tenebrae> to <Moderator>: Ben, you
like the big arc eps or the single shot ones?
<Ben> I admit a fondness for the ARCS in general.
<Ben> however at the end of the day... many of my favorite
eps are essentially NON arc eps
<Ben> TWWW.
<Ben> Human reaction
<Ben> ect.
<Ben> Ga
<Moderator> <Scapegrace> to <Moderator>: Hi,
Ben. Having spent about two years in
Australia, do you still feel like an "alien" there, or have you
<Ben> I'm surrounded by aliens.. It leaves me feeling
remarkably "normal".
<Ben> but I do love it here.
<Ben> GA
<Moderator> <Bubonic-Plague-Rat> to <Moderator>:
Will there be a Farscape video game?
<Ben> I hear one is in the works.
<Ben> GA
<Moderator> I've got lots more questions...but anything
special on your mind?
<Moderator> Anything you want to ask THEM?
<Ben> Lemme think... I'll get back to you.
<Ben> this is their time.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <BladeRunner> to <Moderator>: Do you
have any other projects your working on besides Farscape?
<Ben> Surf board repair.
<Ben> got some major dings from a reef break.
<Ben> Not projects at the moment... I'll sound out some
stuff when I'm in LA.
<Ben> If anyone is interested.
<Ben> I do a great POWER RANGER for kids parties.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <myllenium> to <Moderator>: with the
abundance of the gorgeous natures of Oz, will there be any eps highlighting
some of those wide open places?
* Bouncer uses Ayres rock for a pillow
<Ben> Roos on skateboards
<Ben> watch for it in the big season finale.
<Ben> We did less location in season two.
<Ben> But built sets bigger than all of Australia.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <WangoTheToeHugger> to <Moderator>:
With the given that all the Farsape directors are wise and wonderful beings and
nothing you say will harm you; would you mind telling us how they differ in
directorial style?
<Ben> wow.
<Ben> good question.
<Ben> First I love them all
<Ben> Tony, Ian, Rowan, and Prowsie
<Ben> Since Farscape does not have a "house-style"
per say they are all able to be their "OWN" kind of director.
<Ben> Tony is an instinctual visualist who changes the look
of Farscape every second ep.
<Ben> witness ep 7 PKtech girl season one.
<Ben> Ian is a master at working WITH actors OOTM... CDM...
<Ben> Rowan is an autuer with a "lost in Space"
<Ben> Andrew is the glue that holds us all together and has
the show in his head... second only to David Kemper.
<Ben> Sorry to take so long.
<Ben> But these guys are the BEST I have ever worked with
and I LOVE them
<Ben> they do not receive nearly enough kudos.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <Fixer> to <Moderator>: Are you or
any of the cast going to try your hand at directing an episode?
<Ben> not that I'm aware of... and you would be displacing
directors who are vastly talented and experienced.
<Ben> Would be fun to try, though.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <FrooniumRicky> to <Moderator>:
Hmmm... has anyone asked him who his favorite Farscape writer is?
<Ben> piss off
* Ben will not be back for season three.
<Moderator> <FrooniumRicky> to <Moderator>: Hey,
it Worked!
<Ben> why aren't you writing Froonie!
<Moderator> (for those playing at home, FR is writer/exec
producer Richard Manning)
<Moderator> <FrooniumRicky> to <Moderator>: I'm
Always writing.
<Ben> ok... I love Justin Monjo
<Moderator> <FrooniumRicky> to <Moderator>: Hail
<Ben> no... uh DAvid Kemper... he's the boss.
<Ben> ok
<Ben> ok
<Ben> I love Ricky Manning Best.
<Ben> there.
<Ben> next question!!!!
<Moderator> <Kieriahn> to <Moderator>: So
Ben...are we going to get to see you "win a fight with a chick" this
season? <g>
<Ben> lemme think.
<Ben> YES!
<Ben> YES!
<Ben> you'll love it when you see it.
<Ben> it's soooo choice.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <stargatetravler1> to <Moderator>:
Do any of your fellow cast members give you a hard time about the SACC that was
started by OboeCrazy to protect your Character John? How about the writers, directors, or crew?
<Ben> I think they veiw the SACC as a natural enemy.
<Ben> I love the SACC.
<Ben> somebody needs to stand up for the poor and
downtrodden of the UCT.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <WhirlGirl> to <Moderator>: Hey,
Ben! Great to chat with you
tonight. Tell us: who's been your favorite alien in the last
two seasons?
<Ben> trick question.
<Ben> M'Lee
<Ben> and RoNAH
<Ben> they're the best.
<Ben> But... if she's doesn't read this... My fav alien
<Ben> Aeryn Sun.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <Dalequan> to <Moderator>: Mr.
Browder as a southern person myself and moving around alot with the military I
know how hard it is to find "food" that I have grown up with. I know you are aching over there or do care
packages from home make your day?
<Ben> Aussies stop all food at the border.
<Ben> facists
<Ben> I've been reduced to making my bisquits with butter.
<Ben> not the same.
<Ben> but does help keep the weight off.
<Ben> fried chicken being almost inedible in Australia.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> How's craft services on the set?
<Ben> it's different here.
<Ben> tea and biccies
<Ben> coffee and biccies
<Ben> water and biccies
<Ben> I have diet soda imported.
<Ben> they veiw my as a strange beast indeed.
<Ben> DAMN
<Ben> M
<Ben> E
<Ben> me
<Ben> the caterers... ROCK.
<Ben> and here in Oz they have afternoon tea.
<Ben> very quaint tradition of stopping work for 15 minutes
so everyone can get some air and grab a bite to eat.
<Ben> civilized like.
<Ben> cool ... huh?
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <Elnea> to <Moderator>: Ben, you
have a nice singing voice! Will we be
hearing you or any of the rest of the cast singing more this season?
<Ben> I will mangle at least one more song before the end
<Ben> when you see it you will know what I mean by MANGLE!!!
<Ben> was U-R talking to me?
<Ben> oh well
<Ben> I've been called worse.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <TheMasterfulOne> to <Moderator>:
Hello Ben, YOU ROCK, that said I was watching Farscape once before I got my
hair cut and did the John Chrichton hair style, which BTW I love which brings
me to my question Do you like Chrichtons Hair (assuming yours is diffrent)
<Moderator> (this has been the Season of the Gel, no?)
<Ben> you mean am I bald?
<Ben> Sheldon does my hair.
<Ben> send all letters and calls to him.
<Ben> I just wear it.
<Ben> thanks.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <AngelzGurl> to <Moderator>: Ben:
Have there been anny instances where you've taken a look at the script and
thought, "How am I gonna do THAT?"
<Ben> all the time.
<Ben> True.
<Ben> David Kemper is an insane genious.
<Ben> love that man.
<Ben> He gives us stuff to do that is a gift.
<Ben> very seldom in the course of a career will the
challenges and opportunites he puts before us come.
<Ben> I am thankful and daunted doing FARSCAPE.
<Ben> thankyou David
<Ben> Justin
<Ben> oh...
<Ben> and Ricky
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <amul> to <Moderator>: When you
first started working on Farscape, did you have any idea people would become so
vehement about you and Aeryn hooking up?
<Ben> no
<Ben> but i was clouded my me wanting J and A to hook up.
<Ben> does that make sense?
<Ben> I want to see them GET IT ON>
<Moderator> Well, sure.
<Ben> damn
<Ben> .
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <MegL> to <Moderator>: Ben: what
sort of music would you take with you, if you were stuck out in space like
Crichton is? Do you think it would be the same type of music Crichton would
have brought with him, had he known he was going to get stranded like he
<Ben> talk about packing for a trip!
<Ben> after the spare underwear....
<Ben> Motzart.
<Ben> never get tired of that.
<Ben> for a quick trip...
<Ben> some memphis soul.
<Ben> have no idea what john would pack.
<Ben> we should have a contest. pick John's music/
<Ben> .
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <red> to <Moderator>: Ben: Do you make a habit of watching the eps? And
if so, are you entertained by them or do you find yourself critiqueing them?
<Ben> I do watch every ep
<Ben> and every cut of the eps
<Ben> it's a learning experience.
<Ben> but sometimes... SOMETIMES... I get swept up.
<Ben> i love it when that happens.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <AngelzGurl> to <Moderator>: Ben: So
far, what has been the funnest ep to do and why?
<Ben> OOTM
<Ben> Out of their minds.
<Ben> watching the others do the others was a cack.
<Ben> And the puppeteers affecting a southern accent was
more than worth the price of admission.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <TheMasterfulOne> to <Moderator>: Hi
Ben, Now that we have had two main Arch Evils (Crais and Scorpy) which do you
like (or hate) more?
<Ben> I hate all villians equally.
<Ben> I love the difference between them.
<Ben> crais... passionate and vulnerable.
<Ben> Scorpie... impervious and evil.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <AutumnH> to <Moderator>: Is there a
scene that has been cut that you really wish had made it into an episode?
<Ben> many...
<Ben> picking one...
<Ben> the morning after scene.
<Ben> and the inbetween scene we NEVER shot.
<Ben> by I reheasred it in my mind.
<Ben> it was a CORKER>
<Ben> !
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> Just curious...we're going long here (as
usual)...how you doing there? Still
goood to go, or getting tired?
<Ben> I have 15 more minutes... then I have to go to a
school play!
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> hehehe...okay.
let's go. :)
<Moderator> <Elnea> to <Moderator>: Hi Ben! In many of the eps, the cameras are at
angles so that you all seem to be different heights from ep to ep..like
sometimes Gigi is eye-to-eye with
Anthony and other times ....not. Are
you standing on boxes/in trenches during different scenes?
<Ben> No...
<Ben> we don't use boxes.. or trenches.
<Ben> I wish we did.
<Ben> I stand 6' 1" and often look to be 5' 6"
<Ben> it wouldn't be a problem cept I'm the runt of my
<Ben> And they often point that out.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <OfficerAerynSun> to <Moderator>:
Okay, I feel sorry for the ModMan right here but I have to ask this. Do you plan on doing movies over the
'hiatus'? And I hope to dear God that you do, because I don't know what I would
do without seeing you on the big screen at least *once*!
<Ben> I don't have any offers.
<Ben> somebody has GOT to do something about this.
<Ben> here I am WASTING away.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <nh> to <Moderator>: Ben, your hair
has been mondo bizzaro this season. Do you wash out the moose or comb it non
wild before leaving for home?
<Ben> That hair was caused by a rather unusual electostatic
charge being emited from a froonium fueled camera.
<Ben> we have since gone back to a hand cranked model,
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <valleyofstags> to <Moderator>: Hey
Ben. If there was one thing about John you could change, what would it be?
<Ben> my hair
<Ben> uh
<Ben> he would be taller
<Ben> uh
<Ben> he would get LUCKY.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <RhayleRihannsu> to <Moderator>:
Thanks 4 chatting with us. I know
you don 't have do this sort of thing. Did you know the length of the
character developement when you were orginally cast as JC? Is the story planned
out that far in advance and were you informed ? ?
<Ben> I know NOTHING.
<Ben> I am Schultz.
<Ben> I know nosing
<Moderator> :)
<Ben> The character delopement seems part plan and part
<Ben> the disaster being the part i usually add.
<Ben> exept the mousse... I don't do hair products.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <Jedi-Aeryn> to <Moderator>: in
OOTM, do you feel that Claudia Black did an accurate interpretation of John?
<Ben> She definines John.
<Ben> I have taken to playing him the way she does.
<Ben> Now if I could just play Aeryn.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <Tahji> to <Moderator>: Hey Ben,
what scene took the longest to shoot?
Such as doing and redoing, etc...
<Ben> the one i rehearsed in my mind... over and over again.
<Ben> the longest we have spent on a single sequence is two
<Ben> mainly for technical reasons.
<Ben> number of takes...
<Ben> that probably maxed out at about 15.. when I couldn't
remember the technical name for Froonium counter magno kenetic drive.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <Persa-Alexei> to <Moderator>: HI
ben! So, since you and Claudia are the only ones not in makeup/prosthetics, do
you think this makes it harder or easier for you to act?
<Ben> harder to hide when you don't know how to act.
<Ben> But a lot easier on the skin.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <truthseekr> to <Moderator>: Ben,
we've asked Virginia what Unity is like--but from a "Guy's
perspective" what can you tell us?
<Ben> As a Southern Gentleman... NO.
<Ben> ga
* Bouncer does curls with Amana Radar Range
<Moderator> hehe
<Moderator> <Surio> to <Moderator>: what is a
day at the studio like?
<Ben> LONG.
<Ben> the sun comes up
<Ben> it goes down.
<Ben> we don't see it.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <CeRell> to <Moderator>: Do the
writers accept any imput from the actors? Storylines? Character growth sort of
<Ben> They say the writers doors are always open.
<Ben> That's cause they are never in there.
<Ben> I try not to meddle with the writers too much.
<Ben> That way i can always blame them if things go bad.
<Ben> "It wasn't My Idea!!!!"
<Ben> They have been known to take suggestions.
<Ben> If you ply them with drink and flowers first.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <mish-1814> to <Moderator>: If you
were stuck in JC's position, what would you miss most about Earth?
<Ben> If I was JC... I would tell you tommorow night.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> So...about that play...I guess we shold wind
down, eh?
<Ben> yes... or There will be tears.
<Moderator> Some people are reminding us...
<Bouncer> Bouncer put up transcript on WWW tomorrow!
<Moderator> <PilotAileron> to <Moderator>: Ben:
HELLO from Ohio State U. We'd soooo
much like to know what Crichton's favorite flavor of JELL-O is. I've got $5 on Cherry...
<Ben> Collect on that bet.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <baital> to <Moderator>: Forget
about boxers or briefs...Bourbon or Gin?
<Ben> Jack.. of course.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> <Surio> to <Moderator>: any words of
<Ben> Those you should get from your Mom and Dad.
<Ben> I really don't feel I would be adding much.
<Ben> so... wear clean underwear... just in case.
<Ben> ga
<Moderator> heheh
<Moderator> okay...i'm gonna open up the room...so everyonce
yell in appreciation.
<Moderator> thanks for coming.
<Ben> Night Ya'll
<Ben> thanks for having me.
<Ben> Go SACC.
<Moderator> and i'm *SURE* we'll *ALL* see you next weekend
ad the 'con, right people?
*** Moderator sets mode: -m
<Corde> Thank you so much for being here, Ben! We
looooooooove yoooooooou!
<OboeCrazy> Thank you SO much Ben! It was wonderful having you!!!
<Lin> Thanks for chatting Ben, you rock!
<baital> Thanks Ben! *raises glass of Jack and ginger*
<TheUndeadScottsman> Have fun watching the play!!!! Night Ben!!!!
<Byrn> Nite Ben! Seeya around!