Hi, there. My name is Alan McDairmant. I'm the producer for the Farscape game, on the PC format, here at Red Lemon Studios in Glasgow, bonnie Scotland. The game is based on the award-winning, hit TV series from The Jim Henson Company, and it's going to be published by Simon & Schuster Interactive in April 2002.
We were tremendously excited when we won the contract to develop this game, as we had been chasing the opportunity since as early as May 2000.
We are die-hard fans of the show! What do we love about it? Where do we start? We love how the show always delivers the unexpected, and gathers together a strong set of characters in a team that doesn't always get along; how it takes us to weird, alien worlds; its humour; its sense of fun, and its daring plot lines.
We began work on this game in November 2000. We describe it as a 3-D action-adventure game. Our inspiration has been drawn from titles such as Diablo II, Zax: Alien Hunter, Throne of Darkness and Darkstone. Our most important goal was to create a game that will be easy to pick up and play and that offers a great plot full of twists and surprises.
The game mechanics are team-based: Though you are a single player, you directly control a team of characters. We wanted to do more with the sidekick characters you find in point-and-click arcade adventure games. We're taking this to a whole new level, and transporting the action to a fully three-dimensional world.
To stay faithful to the flavour of a great show whose continuity is always expanding, we wanted the game to fit in as closely as possible with the established storylines. Therefore, we decided to consider this adventure "Episode 17.1," clearly set between the episodes "Through the Looking Glass" and "A Bug's Life." This way you, the player, can really feel as if you've climbed into the show itself, and be really swept up in the Farscape experience.
Before we get to that, though, we'd like to take you behind the scenes, so you can climb into our world and see how we at Red Lemon Studios are bringing the Farscape game to life.
