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John Crichton COMMANDER JOHN CRICHTON (played by Ben Browder)
John Robert Crichton, Jr., is a second-generation IASA astronaut with a doctorate in theoretical sciences. He was a popular mission specialist, but his take-charge, heroic side remained untapped — until that fateful day when he stepped into his one-man Farscape Module and ended up at the far end of the universe. [more]
Officer Aeryn Sun OFFICER AERYN SUN (played by Claudia Black)
Officer Aeryn Sun was once an elite soldier in the Peacekeeper corps. Now, after three cycles in exile aboard Moya, her new, non-Peacekeeper friends have taught her how to trust. And human astronaut John Crichton has taught her bittersweet lessons about love — and loss. [more]
Ka D'argo KA D'ARGO (played by Anthony Simcoe)
Ka D'Argo is a huge, powerful Luxan warrior and John Crichton's best friend. D'Argo's first reaction to most situations is to attack first — and ask questions never. Having freed his son, Jothee, from slavery, D'Argo has only one more goal in life: to avenge the murder of his wife, Lo'Laan. [more]
Chiana CHIANA (played by Gigi Edgley)
Young, sexy, and street-smart, Chiana rebelled against the mind-controlled conformity of her fellow Nebari and fled her home planet. To survive in the Uncharted Territories, she's had to lie, cheat, vamp and scam. Fortunately for her, those are her four best moves. She plans one day to join the Nebari Resistance. [more]
Old Woman NORANTI (played by Melissa Jaffer)
Utu-Noranti Pralatong is a mysterious, three-eyed, hygienically challenged herbalist from the planet Trask. Chef, healer, teacher — she has mastered many callings in her 293 cycles of life. The rest of Moya's crew doesn't know quite what to make of this odd newcomer, who has adopted them as her companions in discovery. [more]
Sikozu SIKOZU (played by Raelee Hill)
Sikozu (full name: Sikozu Svala Shanti Sugaysi Shanu) is a genius and an expert on Leviathans. A native of a world located inside the Scarran Imperium, she now finds herself a fugitive in the Uncharted Territories, with John Crichton and his friends as her unlikely allies. She will learn to value their resourcefulness — and their hard-won friendship. [more]
Rygel XVI RYGEL (operated by Sean Masterson, Tim Mieville, Matt McCoy, Mario Halouvas and Fiona Gentle; voiced by Jonathan Hardy)
Standing all of 26 inches tall — when he decides to stand at all — Dominar Rygel XVI was the royal sovereign of more than 600 billion loyal subjects. Unfortunately for him, none of them are with him aboard Moya. [more]
Pilot PILOT (operated by Sean Masterson, Tim Mieville, Matt McCoy, Mario Halouvas and Fiona Gentle; voiced by Lani John Tupu)
Pilot is Moya's control center — he monitors and maintains all her systems. He's her major domo, keeping her functioning in top form, speaking for her to passengers and other space travelers, and worrying for her so she doesn't have to. [more]
Moya MOYA  
Moya is a Leviathan — a biomechanoid living ship. For many cycles she was enslaved by the Peacekeepers, until Zhaan, D'Argo and Rygel escaped their prison cells and freed her. She is guided in her journeys by Pilot, who has seen her through everything from near-death experiences to the birth of her son, Talyn. [more]


Jool JOOL (played by Tammy MacIntosh)
Jool (full name: Joolushko Tunai Fenta Hovalis) is a young Interion woman of remarkable academic accomplishments. Her striking beauty is offset by her fiery temperament. Although Jool is book-smart, she has led a sheltered life — until now. Moya's crew has taught her about humility, compassion and courage. [more]
Pa'u Zotoh Zhaan PA'U ZOTOH ZHAAN (played by Virginia Hey)
Pa'u Zotoh Zhaan was a middle-aged, 812-cycles-old Delvian priestess. She had reached the 10th Plateau in the Delvian Seek, a search for perfect understanding and unity with all life, before she exhausted her powers to save Aeryn from the brink of death, then soon afterward sacrificed her own life to save her friends aboard Moya. [more]
Stark STARK (played by Paul Goddard)
A member of the enslaved Banik race, Stark was cruelly expermimented on by Scorpius, toward whom Stark still harbors a pathological hatred. Stark has incredible powers of healing and mental abilities on par with those of Zhaan, whose death has left him grieving and alone in the galaxy. [more]
Crais CAPTAIN BIALAR CRAIS (played by Lani John Tupu)
Bialar Crais was once a powerful and feared Peacekeeper captain. After his command was stolen by Scorpius, Crais was exiled from the Peacekeepers — a fate Crais had earlier inflicted on Aeryn Sun. With no one else to turn to, Crais sought help from the crew of Moya; his sworn enemies had become his only allies. [more]
Jothee JOTHEE (played by Matthew Newton)
Jothee, the son of Ka D'Argo and Lo'Laan, is half-Luxan and half-Sebacean. When Lo'Laan was murdered, D'Argo sent Jothee into hiding. Unfortunately, Jothee ended up a slave and spent 10 cycles in bonded servitude before a fateful — and ultimately tragic — reunion with his estranged father. [more]
Talyn TALYN  
Midwifed by Chiana, named by Aeryn (in honor of her father), and captained by Bialar Crais, Talyn, the son of Moya, was a unique Leviathan-Peacekeeper hybrid. He was the only Leviathan ever born with natural weapons. Impetuous, excitable and aggressive, he also was fiercely loyal, noble and brave. [more]


Scorpius SCORPIUS (played by Wayne Pygram)
Scorpius is a Scarran-Sebacean hybrid, the product of a Scarran forced-breeding program. He grew to hate the Scarrans and defected to their sworn enemies, the Peacekeepers. A brilliant scientist and strategist, Scorpius is committed to possessing the secrets of wormhole technology. [more]
Braca BRACA (played by David Franklin)
Captain Braca is a consummate Peacekeeper officer: ruthless, efficient and constantly scheming his way to promotion and advantage. He betrayed Captain Bialar Crais to Scorpius, whom he later handed over to Commandant Mele-On Grayza. Braca is a quiet, wily tactician, and far more dangerous than he appears. [more]
Grayza COMMANDANT MELE-ON GRAYZA (played by Rebecca Riggs)
Commandant Mele-On Grayza is an officer at the highest levels of Peacekeeper military command. Cool and supremely self-confident, she deftly squelched Scorpius' wormhole research; now she's hunting the crew of Moya. Although Grayza is a soldier to her core, her deadliest weapon is her irresistible power of seduction. [more]