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Sebaceans are carbon-based bipeds, not very large nor
strong nor particularly resistant to injury. What they lack
in strength, however, they more than make up for in number
and intelligence... and, in the case of Peacekeepers,
Sebaceans have a weakness to heat. Warm temperatures
that most other lifeforms can tolerate can be deadly
to Sebaceans: delirium sets in, followed by what they term
the "Living Death" -- a comatose state from which there is
no return.
Peacekeepers are predominantly Sebacean. However, there
are many Sebacean-inhabited planets with no military presence
whatever. Farming and commerce are the principal pursuits of non-Peacekeeper Sebaceans.
However, most Sebaceans we've encountered -- such as Officer
Aeryn Sun and Captain Bialar Crais -- are
Although John Crichton could easily pass for
Sebacean, he claims he is not -- he is another
species entirely, one he calls Human. Humans, he
says, are much less technically advanced than Sebaceans;
Humans all still live on only one planet ("Earth," the
location of which Crichton does not know). Humans are also
much more heat-tolerant than Sebaceans; they have no direct
equivalent to the Sebacean Living Death.
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