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Look At The Princess, Part 3: "The Maltese Crichton"
Log File 10211

Commence recording.

Aeryn Sun, Officer. Concluding assignment as requested.

First of all, for the record, I went climbing with Dregon because I needed to do something. Yes, fine, he is an attractive male. But I was tired of doing nothing, Pilot. Crichton had made his choice. There was nothing left there for me.

So instead of attending the wedding, I went out to the cliffs and went climbing with Dregon. He claimed to be a skilled climber, but I should know by now not to believe every word an arrogant male decides to yammer on about. Two cycles with Crichton should have taught me that.

But it's my fault and no one else's; I should have been more attentive. Because, that yotz developed a fear of heights halfway up the rock face, and instead of grabbing hold of the rocks to steady himself, he grabbed hold of my leg, and we both plummeted into to the river below.

It frelling hurt, Pilot. I got sliced to bits on the rocks, got pummeled by the current, broke my leg on impact and got the wind knocked out of me several times trying to save Dregon from being washed away.

And I don't know if his injuries were worse than mine, or if he simply didn't have the Peacekeeper tolerance for pain, but he complained so loudly and so often I truly would have killed him just to shut him up. But I am a trained Peacekeeper soldier and I knew we needed to be further inland to get help.

Now, if limping on a broken leg while dragging a moaning Sebacean across the desert on a makeshift gurney sounds like an unpleasant way to pass an afternoon, from what they've told me, D'Argo and Chiana had it worse. And since you've asked for a complete account, Pilot, I will try and construct their rendition of the events here as well, since they have informed me they'd prefer not to think about it again. I suppose some events are not worth reliving.

Apparently, after the wedding ceremony and the...bronzing procedure, Crichton disappeared. I'm not sure I fully understand it myself, but according to D'Argo, first Crichton's head was stolen from his body, and then later his entire body was reanimated and possibly kidnapped.

Needless to say, everyone in the Royal Court was looking for him, though whether they wanted to crown him or kill him was up for grabs. So of course, in the chaos, Scorpius materialized and asked D'Argo where Crichton was.

D'Argo didn't know -- no one seemed to know -- but the Scarran who'd been working with Prince Clavor used a kind of thought-extracting beam on D'Argo, forcing him to suggest they ask Chiana for Crichton's whereabouts.

Scorpius and the Scarran set off, each hoping to find Chiana first and thereby locate Crichton. D'Argo, having to select the lesser evil, chose to accompany Scorpius, working with the assumption that Scorpius was less likely to harm Chiana, I imagine.

The Scarran found Chiana and had her hung in chains, suspended over a pit of acid, when Scorpius and D'Argo located him. The Scarran had used Chiana to bait D'Argo and Scorpius, because he'd suspected that Scorpius was trying to foil his plans to take control of the Royal Planet. When he learned that Scorpius had no such plans, he figured his mission would go unthreatened, as long as Crichton himself didn't intervene.

The heat of the room caused the Sebacean DNA in Scorpius intense pain; exposure to heat, as you know, causes us to suffer Sebacean Heat-Sickness, which is lethal. Scorpius is half-Scarran, though, and Scarrans crave heat, and feed off it. If it were possible for me to feel pity for Scorpius I would feel it now; the anguish he went through must have been tremendous. Having experienced it myself, I would not wish Heat Sickness on anyone. Perhaps not even Scorpius. But I still say perhaps, Pilot.

With Scorpius incapacitated, D'Argo was unmatched by the Scarran. Chiana hung perilously over the acid, but D'Argo could not even attempt to rescue her, still trying to fight of the Scarran's advances.

When one of the chains holding Chiana broke, it must have been a horrifying moment for all of them.

Meanwhile, the Empress, having learned that her son Clavor was dead, ruled that every off-worlder -- starting with the Scarran and including all of us, down to Rygel -- would be put to death in retaliation.

And still, no one knew where Crichton was.


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Guest Cast
Wayne Pygram..............Scorpius
Matt Day..............Tyno
Tina Bursill..............Novia
Felicity Price..............Princess Katralla
Felix Williamson..............Clavor
Bianca Chiminello..............Jena
Aaron Cash..............Dregon
Gavin Robins..............Cargn
Jonathan Hardy..............Kahaynu

Writer..................David Kemper
Director.................Andrew Prowse & Tony Tilse
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