D'Argo, in a typically Luxan hyper-rage, stormed down to the
sun-baked planet Skykar where the population's sole activity
was harvesting Tannot roots. After giving him ample time to
cool off, the others went after him. Strangely enough,
D'Argo had decided he wanted to remain on Skykar as a simple
laborer. Considering the Luxan's normal temperament,
Crichton and Zhaan instantly sensed that something was
Before they could investigate further, however, the
perpetually foraging Rygel ingested large quantities of
Tannot root which somehow converted all the Hynerian's
bodily fluids into deadly explosives. Aeryn, suffering from
the Skykarian heat, was forced to accompany Rygel back to
Moya where she and I worked on defusing the Hynerian's
condition. As if his foul secretions weren't already bad
enough, now Rygel's every pore had become potentially
damaging to Moya's systems!
Crichton continued to investigate D'Argo's strange behavior
and soon discovered that the Skykarians were nearly all
drone-like automatons. With the help of a local woman named
Tanga and her friends, Crichton learned of the adverse
effects that the Tannot root was having on D'Argo, Zhann,
and everyone else on the planet. But what could Crichton do
when he was just one human on an entire world of mindless
laborers? And to make matters worse, Volmae, the Skykarian
leader, had big plans of her own for Moya and her vast cargo
Guest Cast
Angie Milliken..........Volmae
Ken Blackburn..............Hybin
Tina Thomsen..............Tanga
Selina Muller..............D'Argo's Girlfriend
Mark Slocum..............Sykaran Male #1
Peter Baroch..............Sykaran Male #3
Writer...................David Wilks
Director.................Rowan Woods