A Human Reaction
The universe, in all its vastness, seems to be made up of only two
types of lifeforms: those who leave homes and sometimes return to
them, and those - like myself - who travel with our homes around us.
All too well have I learned how creatures, rendered homeless, can be
driven to take desperate actions. Still, when Moya came across a
wormhole that appeared to lead to Crichton's home world, Earth, it hardly seemed irrational for the human to seize this best, possibly only
chance of rejoining his species.
After a moment of hesitation, Crichton piloted the Farscape One into
the center of the vortex, at which point we lost all contact with him.
Seeing the Human disappear into that unstable wormhole proved...
difficult for the crew. So when the small craft disappeared from
Moya's sensors, Aeryn, D'Argo, and Rygel elected to venture out in our
transport pod in order to take a closer look.
Meanwhile, Crichton's homecoming was not as joyous as he had hoped.
Landing on a landmass known as Australia, he was immediately picked
up and detained by a team led by former associates, Wilson and Cobb.
They distrusted Crichton for initially opening the wormhole (which had
seemingly never closed) on his maiden voyage, questioning the motives
behind his return as well as his very identity. The unexpected arrival
of a transport containing three "alien" friends only caused their
suspicions to worsen.
Even with the help of his father Jack, Crichton proved unable to
prevent the humans from drugging and imprisoning Rygel, D'Argo, and Aeryn. Suddenly, Crichton's idyllic dream of rediscovering earth had
evolved into a waking nightmare in which nothing less than his friends'
very lives were at stake.
Guest Cast
Gigi Edgley..............Chiana
Kent McCord...........Jack Crichton
Phillip Gordon..............Wilson
Richard Sydenham..............Cobb
Frankie Davidson..............Newsstand Guy
Albert Mensah..............Dialectic
Andy Cachia..............Technician
Selina Muller..............Woman On Beach
Writer..................Justin Monjo
Director.................Rowan Woods